Stuart McCulloch wrote:
On 24/09/2007, Richard S. Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Guillaume Nodet wrote:
I've began to change the geronimo versions of the spec jars to be OSGi
I think it will be easier for OSGi users than relying on some
unreleased pom in felix commons.
There is no problem with using the OSGi JARs for the spec and the one is forced to use the Felix ones. However, when

I think Guillaume meant the Geronimo spec jars, not the OSGi specs :)

Yes, I see that now. :-)

Geronimo now provides OSGi bundles of spec jars such as JTA - which is great

This is definitely excellent...we'd be more than happy if all open source projects put Felix Commons out of business! ;-)

-> richard

Felix' framework and main JARs are created, they contained some modified
versions of OSGi classes, so things are not completely replaceable when
trying to package the framework...

-> richard

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