
For the most part this is historical - several years back when Richard started Oscar, and later I joined in, there was pretty much no other open source OSGi, even less an open source Http Service. So Richard rolled a quick version, and I tidied it up a bit to make it more OSGi compliant and slightly better behaved in terms of general Web/Http usage (proper session management etc.)

I'm not a fan of duplicated effort, but maybe there is still a place for a Felix Http Service - at present it isn't actually much code, since all the real work is done by Jetty. The Felix layer just provides registration of aliases, management of contexts, and reigns in Jetty to try and just support the OSGi standard. I can see the benefit of services that go beyond the standard with extra services, so maybe Felix Http Service role is to be a "strict OSGi standard follower" i.e. no extras or extensions. For those, people can then look to Pax Web / OPS4J etc.

Anyhow - my view on this are fairly open really.

- Rob

Alin Dreghiciu wrote:

I hope you do not get me wrong here but still have to ask. Does it
worth reinventing the wheel? Pax Web is already built based on jetty6
ad is ASLv2. Maybe I is good to have the Felix http service remain on
Jetty so the we get a wider selection, and spend the effort if
possible on improving Pax Web in regards to Jetty 6.

Anyhow, Felx if you need support on Jetty 6 just let me know.


On Jan 8, 2008 6:44 PM, Felix Meschberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

I took a stab at migrating the http.jetty bundle to a more recent Jetty
version. For the moment I took Jetty 5.1.12, because it is said to be
supporting back to JDK 1.2 whereas Jetty 6.1 is supported for JDK 1.4
and higher only.

After reading the issue again, I started working on Jetty 6 integration
- it takes some time to grock the details, but I think, I am coming
closer :-)

One point with Jetty 6 is, that it requires Java 1.4 or higher and
Servlet API 2.5. This would of course "disable" support for older VMs.
Of course, this migrated http.jetty bundle would not be working with the
older servlet.api bundle any more.

Richard OTOH seems to be working on a lightweight implementation still
supporting 1.2. So I could imagine, that we could be going forward with
two versions: The most modern Jetty 6 based one and the most-lightweight
one by Richard.





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