Thanks for the update Niclas. Sounds like things are in motion.

Regarding a "thin" HTTP service...I am still looking for a volunteer. It is one of the contribution ideas on the contributing page:


-> richard

p.s. That reminds me, other community members should add their own suggestions to the community page so we can build up a good set of ideas for people looking to contribute.

Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Wednesday 23 July 2008 23:15, Richard S. Hall wrote:
Well, nothing stops us from releasing our HTTP Service too, but there is
an issue here with OPS4J as we try to foster more cooperation between
the two communities.

I think PAX Web is under consideration as a collaboration point, but the
first collaboration attempt is around PAX Logging, if I understand
correctly. I am not sure where we are in this process right now, but we
have definitely started it. Perhaps Niclas has an update. Things can
slow down a little in the Summer...

Yes. I just came back from a Looooong trip in Europe. And I need the comfort of "home" to deal with community issues.

Status Pax Logging;

 1. The PMC voted Pax Logging in as a Felix project.

 2. I have uploaded the TAR ball in question to Incubator, for IP Clearance.
    The IP Clearance paper work is pending.

 3. Felix PMC voted in two new committers, Makas Lau and Edward Yakop, who
    have together with me written 99% of the codebase. ICLAs are on file
    with Secretary but I (or anyone on PMC) have not started the request
    for accounts with [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 4. I will try to obtain the ICLA from the remaining 15 contributors, or
    if not possible, then check with Incubator/Legal if the "one line here
    and there" that constitutes those contributions is still Ok, considering
    that OPS4J community is already Apache Licensed and even if that would
    not be enough, then I think it would still fall under "fair use".

 5. Hopefully all the above sorted out this month.

Status Pax Web;

 1. There are dependencies in Pax Web on a couple of other very generic
    projects, which barely fit in Felix at all. We think they might as
    well remain in OPS4J as an external dependency.

 2. For that to be useful, those must be published on Maven Central repo,
    and we are looking at doing final releases of those (OPS4J has
    mirror connection to Maven Central).

 3. Once that has been done, we want to clean up Pax Web (incl the above)
    before going into a similar cycle as Pax Logging.

In general, the folks have been fairly occupied with "real life projects", which has a spin off effect of a new "in container test" system (Pax Drone), but hopefully we can get some cycles over for the above in the near future. My guess is somewhere in Sept this should be completed.

As for another "slim HTTP" service... Be my guest. Pax Web doesn't pretend to be small, uses Jetty under the hood, but is TCK compliant (and the TCK needs better tests, since too many existing HTTP services are passing although they are not spec compliant). I think Pax Web also requires Java 5 at the moment, so a Http Service for Foundation EE would be good for people in the embedded space.


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