Craig Phillips wrote:
I may not completely understand your question... My answer may be "old school lib folder" or there abouts, but I can't be certain of that answer just yet... [on an aside, take a look at BUILDR, although it's still in incubation: ... I give them an A+ for attitude :) ]

I hadn't been paying attention to buildr...sounds interesting.

-> richard

For the most part, I am not [currently] building big systems of large numbers of bundles... That type of setup would likely require something sophisticated (more so than probably any toolset would provide out of the box); I've been amassing mostly small self contained bundles / services -- for this purpose, ANT/BND is more than fine; In all my cases, I have all of the necessary bundles to build (if not run) on hand; One of my pet peeves, especially abused on the equinox side that I've seen [not just provider, but end user], is a lack of separation of interface/api from implementation... to this end, for build, you should only have API bundles on hand for the project/classpath/lib; As for run time, that's when you'd bring in the IMPL's... Whether you bring the IMPL's in a la OBR or local dir at run time, that's a run time decision on your part, but shouldn't cause issue with compile time; Of course, this is all predicated on separating API from IMPL, which I practice like a religion, but others don't -- OSGi changes your mind set and you need to get used to having large numbers of small / tiny bundles ('er, dot.jars) -- this way, at run time, you can upgrade and rewire (reference Newton as well) and keep your "system" running 24x7; You can upgrade versions of IMPLs and let the re-wiring do it's magic (noting you probably shouldn't be upgrading your LogService IMPL every 15 minutes, obviously)... Not sure where this is all leading in the discussion, nor if it addressed your specific concerns / questions... but I keep coming back to building against APIs... For how ever many gains of salt are necessary, Craig


From: Nicolas Lalevée [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 8/25/2008 8:38 AM
Subject: Re: Maven & OSGi plans

Le 25 août 08 à 12:44, Rob Walker a écrit :

I am then interested to know how you manage the classpath of your project. Because there is a little gap between the bnd/MANIFEST.MF that only declare a dependency on some packages, and the actually jars your are building against. So do you manage your jars dependencies manually ? with an old-school lib folder ? Or you have a dependency manager setup ? Ivy or maven just to retrieve the jars ? I thought of a third solution, but I didn't found any such tool: use an OBR to compute the dependencies and retrieve the jars. I used the Felix OBR resolver implementation and I managed to do a similar plugin to IvyDE [1] (just a proof of concept here, implemented with lot of hacks). But I am not sure if the "obr service" can be used for that kind of classpath computing, as its main goal, as far as I understand, is to get bundle into a OSGi runtime environment. There is that "compile" vs "runtime" classpath issue. But not sure if that is an issue... WDYT ?




From: Richard S. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 8/22/2008 9:15 PM
Subject: Maven & OSGi plans

I am not sure if this will be beneficial to us or not, since it sounds like a) they plan on duplicating or effort around the Bundle Plugin and b) they are getting really cozy with Eclipse, but it is an interesting
read nonetheless:

-> richard


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