I am not sure I see why we need $( ... ) for evaluation, instead of ( ... )?

Kind regards,

        Peter Kriens

On 16 jul 2009, at 16:22, Derek Baum wrote:

2009/7/16 Peter Kriens <peter.kri...@aqute.biz>

I do agree that we should replace the <> with (). This makes a lot of sense and there are not that many filters in use anyway. We could now make filters
<> if we want.


About the priority of | and ; ... I remember thinking long and hard about
this but forgot why I picked this model, it still seems slightly more
powerful because the newline acts as a ';' with a higher priority than the
'|' but I am not opposed to switching the priority.

if we agree to use $() for command execution instead of <>
then we can use () for command grouping, and thus the examples below would
work the same in Unix or RFC132 shell:

echo a; echo b | cat
(echo a; echo b) | cat

We could also add a converter to coerce a string into an LDAP filter to make
up for stealing the ().

I am not sure about throwing an error when a command is not recognized. Using its value seems sufficient to me and has some advantages. I do not
think this would ever confuse me.

It has already confused users on Karaf :-)

A 'command not found' error only occurs if you pass an argument to an
unknown command, otherwise it silently evaluates to itself.

Although this may be apparent to a user at the console, it would be much more difficult to diagnose in a script containing a mis-spelled command.

I have attached a simple patch to experiment with this to

This patch simply avoids re-evaluating a single argument to an assignment,

x = hello

works as before, but when evaluated in a non-assignment context, it fails if
a 'hello' command is not found.

Variable expansion using ${ab} rather than $ab is still problematic.

the ${ab} notation is in common usage:

  - Unix allows it to delimit the variable name from following text
- Many Java programs interpret ${xx} as expansion of system properties

It also works in the RFC132 shell, but in this case {ab} defines a closure
and the $ evaulates it.

If you really wanted to capture the result of executing ab, then <ab> or our
proposed $(ab) is the way to go.

This would then allow us to interpret ${ab}, according to its comon usage -
enhanced variable expansion.
We could also usefully add the Unix variable expansion: ${var:- default}


Nice to get some discussion going! However, please note that this is an OSGi RFC. I will update the RFC in the coming weeks and discuss it in CPEG.
I hope to schedule it then for inclusion in an upcoming compendium.

I'd like to add one more thing. In Blueprint we spent a lot of time on type conversion and I like very much what we got there. I think it would be a good idea to use the same type converters, especially because they also
handle generics when available.

Kind regards,

      Peter Kriens

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