It should work, can you try to add a

; \

to the end of your package list? i.e.,

 org.xml.sax.ext; \
 org.xml.sax.helpers; \



On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 7:41 PM, Jackson, Bruce <> wrote:
> Hi All
> I have Felix embedded into an Android app, and I'm trying to export the
> packages from the Android environment (e.g. android,, etc) into
> Felix.
> I have a couple of questions: first, can I still use the pre-4.2
> constructor:
> Felix felix = new Felix(Properties props);
> ...and if I do so passing in a properties file which contains a
> semicolon-seperated list of packages as per the attached, should I see this
> working properly?
> Felix starts ok, but when I try to deploy any bundles to it (for example a
> dexified org.apache.log4j) I get a message fro the debugger when I call:
> BundleContent bc = felix.getBundleContent();
> bc.installBundle(name, inputStream);
> 04-28 18:31:45.716: ERROR/SkiftaService(6274): Unresolved constraint in
> bundle org.apache.log4j [1]: package; (package=javax.xml.parsers)
> ...which seems to suggest that it can't find the package.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Bruce

Karl Pauls

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