Actually, the problem is one of syntax, apparently. When you pass in the
Properties object, the value against the key that was read from the file
attached (i.e. the standard form of these files) it doesn't work.

The list needs to be comma separated with no additional CR LF characters or
the parser doesn't do the right thing.

Clearly there must be some form of pre-parsing going on to handle the
"standard" package lists in Felix.

On 29/04/2010 17:30, "Karl Pauls" <> wrote:

> It should work, can you try to add a
> ; \
>  version=\"1.6.0\"
> to the end of your package list? i.e.,
>  org.xml.sax.ext; \
>  org.xml.sax.helpers; \
>  version=\"1.6.0\"
> regards,
> Karl
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 7:41 PM, Jackson, Bruce <> wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I have Felix embedded into an Android app, and I'm trying to export the
>> packages from the Android environment (e.g. android,, etc) into
>> Felix.
>> I have a couple of questions: first, can I still use the pre-4.2
>> constructor:
>> Felix felix = new Felix(Properties props);
>> ...and if I do so passing in a properties file which contains a
>> semicolon-seperated list of packages as per the attached, should I see this
>> working properly?
>> Felix starts ok, but when I try to deploy any bundles to it (for example a
>> dexified org.apache.log4j) I get a message fro the debugger when I call:
>> BundleContent bc = felix.getBundleContent();
>> bc.installBundle(name, inputStream);
>> 04-28 18:31:45.716: ERROR/SkiftaService(6274): Unresolved constraint in
>> bundle org.apache.log4j [1]: package; (package=javax.xml.parsers)
>> ...which seems to suggest that it can't find the package.
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks
>> Bruce

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