This is not a bug. It is just something that doesn't work on android
but we do handle it correctly. The only result should be that you see
a warning in the log but it shouldn't have any negative impact.



On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Jackson, Bruce <> wrote:
> I've now followed the Felix code through to the source of this problem which 
> appears to be in ModuleImpl:
> static
>    {
>        ClassLoader cl = null;
>        try
>        {
>            Constructor ctor = m_secureAction.getDeclaredConstructor(
>                SecureClassLoader.class, new Class[] { ClassLoader.class });
>            m_secureAction.setAccesssible(ctor);
>            cl = (ClassLoader) m_secureAction.invoke(ctor, new Object[] { null 
> });
>        }
>        catch (Throwable ex)
>        {
>            // On Android we get an exception if we set the parent class loader
>            // to null, so we will work around that case by setting the parent
>            // class loader to the system class loader in getClassLoader() 
> below.
>            cl = null;
>            System.err.println("Problem creating boot delegation class loader: 
> " + ex);
>            ex.printStackTrace();
>        }
>        m_defBootClassLoader = cl;
>    }
> This seems to be trying to create a new instance of SecureClassLoader, which 
> is failing because SecureClassLoader doesn’t have any public constructor. 
> This is therefore throwing an InvocationTargetException and is, I believe 
> responsible for the problem I’m seeing. Has this been reported as a bug, does 
> anyone know?
> Thanks
> Bruce
> On 30/04/2010 17:14, "Bruce Jackson" <> wrote:
>> Yes, I'm aware of that. What I meant was that I've seen that it works on
>> Felix releases with the framework version set to 1.2, but I can't get this
>> working with the current release.
>> On 30/04/2010 17:03, "Richard S. Hall" <> wrote:
>>> On 4/30/10 9:50, Jackson, Bruce wrote:
>>>> I've added the lines:
>>>> // calculate the export packages list from the environment
>>>> config.put("org.osgi.framework.system.packages",
>>>> config.put("org.osgi.framework.bundle.parent", "app");
>>>> config.put("felix.log.level", "1");
>>>> and tried this with app, framework, boot and also ext, but I get the same
>>>> result I'm afraid. I've certainly seen out on the web that people have done
>>>> with with almost identical code on earlier version of Felix (I can't be 
>>>> sure
>>>> of the exact Felix version, but the org.osgi.framework version was set to
>>>> 1.2) but is it possible that has become broken in recent releases?
>>> That is the version of the OSGi spec, check in the
>>> file...
>>> -> richard
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Bruce
>>>> On 30/04/2010 13:34, "Karl Pauls"<>  wrote:
>>>>>   In case you have problems on android not finding classes that you are
>>>>> making available via the system bundle, make sure you set the
>>>>> org.osgi.framework.bundle.parent property to the correct value (either
>>>>> app or framework, depends). i.e.,
>>>>> org.osgi.framework.bundle.parent=app
>>>>> or
>>>>> org.osgi.framework.bundle.parent=framework
>>>>> that should make it work.
>>>>> regards,
>>>>> Karl
>>>>> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Jackson, Bruce<>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> As a continuation to this mini-saga, I now have the initial problem (i.e.
>>>>>> bundle resolution) fixed with the code below. When I add bundles to the
>>>>>> running Felix framework, the resolve correctly, and start as long as 
>>>>>> their
>>>>>> activator does not try to load any of the classes found in
>>>>>> ANDROID_FRAMEWORK_PACKAGES, such as android.util.Log. If they do, I get a
>>>>>> ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>>> 04-30 12:36:25.788: DEBUG/dalvikvm(16018): Making a copy of
>>>>>> Lcom/skifta/android/mediaserver/AndroidTestImpl;.test4 code (68 bytes)
>>>>>> 04-30 12:36:25.798: WARN/System.err(16018):
>>>>>> org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Activator start error in bundle
>>>>>> com.skifta.booster.cdir [4].
>>>>>> 04-30 12:36:25.798: WARN/System.err(16018):     at
>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.activateBundle(
>>>>>> 04-30 12:36:25.798: WARN/System.err(16018):     at
>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.startBundle(
>>>>>> 04-30 12:36:25.798: WARN/System.err(16018):     at
>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.BundleImpl.start(
>>>>>> 04-30 12:36:25.798: WARN/System.err(16018):     at
>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.BundleImpl.start(
>>>>>> 04-30 12:36:25.798: WARN/System.err(16018):     at
>>>>>> ....
>>>>>> 04-30 12:36:25.798: WARN/System.err(16018): Caused by:
>>>>>> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: android.util.Log
>>>>>> 04-30 12:36:25.798: WARN/System.err(16018):     at
>>>>>>  3
>>>>>> 3)
>>>>>> 04-30 12:36:25.798: WARN/System.err(16018):     at
>>>>>> com.skifta.booster.cdir.Activator.start(
>>>>>> 04-30 12:36:25.798: WARN/System.err(16018):     at
>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.util.SecureAction.startActivator(SecureAction.j>>>>>
>>>>>>  a
>>>>>> va
>>>>>> :661)
>>>>>> 04-30 12:36:25.798: WARN/System.err(16018):     at
>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.activateBundle(
>>>>>> 04-30 12:36:25.798: WARN/System.err(16018):     ... 17 more
>>>>>> Any idea why the classloader is not allowing bundles I start to see the
>>>>>> classes in the packages exported by the framework?
>>>>>> private static final String ANDROID_FRAMEWORK_PACKAGES =
>>>>>> ("org.osgi.framework; version=1.4.0," +
>>>>>>             "org.osgi.service.packageadmin; version=1.2.0," +
>>>>>>             "org.osgi.service.startlevel; version=1.0.0," +
>>>>>>             "org.osgi.service.url; version=1.0.0," +
>>>>>>             "org.osgi.util.tracker," +
>>>>>>             "android; " +
>>>>>>             ";" +
>>>>>>             "android.content;" +
>>>>>>             "android.database;" +
>>>>>>             "android.database.sqlite;" +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "android.hardware; " +
>>>>>>             "android.location; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "android.opengl; " +
>>>>>>             "android.os; " +
>>>>>>             "android.provider; " +
>>>>>>             "android.sax; " +
>>>>>>             "android.speech.recognition; " +
>>>>>>             "android.telephony; " +
>>>>>>             "android.telephony.gsm; " +
>>>>>>             "android.text; " +
>>>>>>             "android.text.method; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "android.text.util; " +
>>>>>>             "android.util; " +
>>>>>>             "android.view; " +
>>>>>>             "android.view.animation; " +
>>>>>>             "android.webkit; " +
>>>>>>             "android.widget; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "javax.crypto; " +
>>>>>>             "javax.crypto.interfaces; " +
>>>>>>             "javax.crypto.spec; " +
>>>>>>             "javax.microedition.khronos.opengles; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "javax.sound.midi; " +
>>>>>>             "javax.sound.midi.spi; " +
>>>>>>             "javax.sound.sampled; " +
>>>>>>             "javax.sound.sampled.spi; " +
>>>>>>             "javax.sql; " +
>>>>>>             "javax.xml.parsers; " +
>>>>>>             "junit.extensions; " +
>>>>>>             "junit.framework; " +
>>>>>>             "org.apache.commons.codec; " +
>>>>>>             "org.apache.commons.codec.binary; " +
>>>>>>             "org.apache.commons.codec.language; " +
>>>>>>             "; " +
>>>>>>             "org.apache.commons.httpclient; " +
>>>>>>             "org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth; " +
>>>>>>             "org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie; " +
>>>>>>             "org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods; " +
>>>>>>             "org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart; " +
>>>>>>             "org.apache.commons.httpclient.params; " +
>>>>>>             "org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol; " +
>>>>>>             "org.apache.commons.httpclient.util; " +
>>>>>>             "org.json; " +
>>>>>>             "org.w3c.dom; " +
>>>>>>             "org.xml.sax; " +
>>>>>>             "org.xml.sax.ext; " +
>>>>>>             "org.xml.sax.helpers; " +
>>>>>>             "version=1.6.0");
>>>>>> Properties config = System.getProperties();
>>>>>> config.put("org.osgi.framework.startlevel.beginning",
>>>>>> Integer.toString(SkiftaService.SKIFTA_START_LEVEL));
>>>>>> config.put("", "onFirstInit");
>>>>>> // make sure the OSGi cache dir is set to something sensible
>>>>>> File cacheDir = this.getDir("osgi.cache", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
>>>>>> Log.d(TAG, "setting osgi cache location to: " +
>>>>>> cacheDir.getAbsolutePath());
>>>>>> config.put("", cacheDir.getAbsolutePath());
>>>>>> // calculate the export packages list from the environment
>>>>>> String sysPackages =
>>>>>> bootProps.getProperty("org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra");
>>>>>> config.put("org.osgi.framework.system.packages",
>>>>>> config.put("felix.log.level", "1");
>>>>>> // Now create an instance of the framework with
>>>>>> // our configuration properties.
>>>>>> Log.d(TAG, "Starting Felix...");
>>>>>> felix = new Felix(config);
>>>>>> // Now start Felix instance.
>>>>>> felix.start();
>>>>>> On 30/04/2010 11:30, "Bruce Jackson"<>  wrote:
>>>>>>> Actually, the problem is one of syntax, apparently. When you pass in the
>>>>>>> Properties object, the value against the key that was read from the file
>>>>>>> attached (i.e. the standard form of these files) it doesn't work.
>>>>>>> The list needs to be comma separated with no additional CR LF characters
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> the parser doesn't do the right thing.
>>>>>>> Clearly there must be some form of pre-parsing going on to handle the
>>>>>>> "standard" package lists in Felix.
>>>>>>> On 29/04/2010 17:30, "Karl Pauls"<>  wrote:
>>>>>>>> It should work, can you try to add a
>>>>>>>> ; \
>>>>>>>>   version=\"1.6.0\"
>>>>>>>> to the end of your package list? i.e.,
>>>>>>>>   org.xml.sax.ext; \
>>>>>>>>   org.xml.sax.helpers; \
>>>>>>>>   version=\"1.6.0\"
>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>> Karl
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 7:41 PM, Jackson, Bruce<>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi All
>>>>>>>>> I have Felix embedded into an Android app, and I'm trying to export 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> packages from the Android environment (e.g. android,, etc)
>>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>>> Felix.
>>>>>>>>> I have a couple of questions: first, can I still use the pre-4.2
>>>>>>>>> constructor:
>>>>>>>>> Felix felix = new Felix(Properties props);
>>>>>>>>> ...and if I do so passing in a properties file which contains a
>>>>>>>>> semicolon-seperated list of packages as per the attached, should I see
>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>> working properly?
>>>>>>>>> Felix starts ok, but when I try to deploy any bundles to it (for
>>>>>>>>> example
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> dexified org.apache.log4j) I get a message fro the debugger when I
>>>>>>>>> call:
>>>>>>>>> BundleContent bc = felix.getBundleContent();
>>>>>>>>> bc.installBundle(name, inputStream);
>>>>>>>>> 04-28 18:31:45.716: ERROR/SkiftaService(6274): Unresolved constraint 
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> bundle org.apache.log4j [1]: package; (package=javax.xml.parsers)
>>>>>>>>> ...which seems to suggest that it can't find the package.
>>>>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> Bruce

Karl Pauls

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