
Just a handful of mostly minor things. You should have changelogs. The DEPS format could be updated, but with your new automated approach it may not be necessary. I think you need to validate the "uses" section of the DEPS file since I think in some cases it is mentioning transitive dependencies, rather than just direct dependencies.

-> richard

On 11/1/10 21:02, Felix Meschberger wrote:

Here are 4 releases of the DS and Metatype descriptor support Maven
plugin and Ant Task. The theme of this release is splitting the Maven
SCR plugin and creating an Ant Task.

The actual artifacts to be voted upon are:

   SCR Generator 1.0.0 -- Main driver for the descriptor generation

   SCR Annotations 1.4.0 -- Annotation support
   Minor version release because this module now also includes the
   AnnotationTagProvider (moved from the Maven SCR Plugin source)

   Maven SCR Plugin 1.6.0 -- Maven SCR Plugin
   Minor version release because of the internal refactorings. Now
   depends on SCR Generator 1.0.0 which may be "overwritten" using
   per-plugin dependencies. The SCR Annotations 1.4.0 library is not
   a plugin dependency but only a build-time dependency automatically
   recognized by the plugin.

   SCR Ant Task 1.0.0 -- SCR Ant Task
   Contains required dependencies inside the task JAR file

Staging repository:

You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the

sh check_staged_release.sh 010 /tmp/felix-staging

Please vote to approve this release:

[ ] +1 Approve the release
[ ] -1 Veto the release (please provide specific comments)


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