Hello All,

Does anyone have a reference or know the details of solving the Protocol
handler initialization issues when Felix is run embedded (isolated or not)
within an Felix based app server? Of all the app server combinations we've
tested, with both equinox and felix embedded (so far we support both
equality well) Felix based Glassfish and Jonas are giving us the problem

I've looked through the source code and debugged through it. Disabling
protocol initialization (even though it's possible) does not appear to be a
valid option because then the embedded framework can't even handled

It really just seems like possibly incorrect error handling roughly around
lines 176-183 of URLHandlers class.
The URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(currentFactory) invocation throws an
Error, not an Exception (due to the fact that there is already an factory
configured), and this throws the entire runtime into self destruct mode.

*Raymond Augé* <http://www.liferay.com/web/raymond.auge/profile>
<http://twitter.com/#!/rotty3000> | Senior Software Architect | *Liferay,
Inc.* <http://www.liferay.com>  <https://twitter.com/#!/liferay>


24-25 October 2012 |* Liferay **Spain Symposium* |

16 November 2012 |* Liferay **Italy Symposium* |

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