On 1/16/13 03:15 , Nicolas F. wrote:
On 15/01/2013 17:18, Richard S. Hall wrote:
On 1/15/13 10:12 , Nicolas F. wrote:

It wouldn't hurt anything, but it wouldn't serve much purpose currently, would it? The main point of the OBR XML file is to provide sets of capabilities and requirements for resolving dependencies. It isn't a very good resource for generating general use documentation about bundles.

-> richard

We are developing a bundle in order to manage local bundles and OBR bundles though an user interface. We will be pleased to let the user see bundle icons if there is one. We do not want to use non-osgi components in order to let the user create their own bundle repositories using standard tools.

Yeah, I understand and it isn't that it doesn't make any sense at all, but it seems such "end user readability" features could never end, which would ultimately be the wrong purpose for the repository XML.

Regardless, I'm not against allowing it somehow, since I think it makes sense for OBR to just ignore stuff it doesn't understand, so you could just add it and OBR could just ignore it. Not sure if the current implementation is this flexible or not.

-> richard

The current implementation of OBR is flexible enough, but the maven bundle plug-in has a limitation on resource when converting into XML :
felix/maven-obr-plugin/.. ResourceImpl.java line 174
for (int i = 0; i < Resource.KEYS.length; i++) {

The minimal resource are used, but if the map is used instead all resource including Bundle-Icon should be exported in the OBR xml file.

In that case, I guess you should open a JIRA issue against Maven Bundle Plugin.

-> richard

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