Hello Pierre,

> On 12 Nov 2014, at 9:13 am, Pierre De Rop <pierre.de...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Regarding your suggestion, adding specific builder classes could also be an
> interesting way to go.
> I would even consider to make some specific API bundles, like:
> org.apache.felix.dependencymanager -> the current 4.0 API, and it should be
> close to the old 3.2 API as much as possible (Marcel, what is your opinion
> ?)

Yes, we can keep this as close to the existing API to ease migration.

> org.apache.felix.dependencymanager.scala -> we could leverage DM API to
> scala
> org.apache.felix.dependencymanager.groovy -> same for groovy
> etc …
> All this could be discussed with more details in the jira issue that
> Christian created.

Makes sense, and we could introduce a .java package (and bundle) for the API 
that Christian proposed. That fits nicely in our plans (just like we have the 
.runtime and annotations if you like that style) and possibly also our future 
support for the declarative services API.

Greetings, Marcel

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