Side-line for me too.

How about just using 'git svn ...'

Work locally in git, store in svn.
What's the big deal?

If there are blocking process issues _then_ you switch, right?

On 27/10/15 11:16, Achim Nierbeck wrote:
Just looking from the side-line of this ...
... but all of this sounds more like a lot of pain compared to the gain.

SVN isn't that bad after all, so why fix something that isn't really broken?
Right now I don't see much of a benefit to this, but as I'm not part of any
decision makers here,
take this just as a little hint :-)

regards, Achim

2015-10-27 11:12 GMT+01:00 Benson Margulies <>:

My recommendation at this point in the discussion is to convert the
repo _en bloc_, then split out very independent things (if any), and
only then contemplate add-ons.

Ferry Huberts

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