Hi Ray,

this sound like a good idea! A generic, configurable HC would look something like [1] in pseudo code. Using OSGi headers in bundles to ensure correct wiring is straight forward, but I'm not sure if there is an API to get all currently available capabilities in framework?


private List<String> requiredCapabilitiesAsConfigured;
public Result execute() {
     List<String> allCapabilitiesRegisteredInFramework = ???
List<String> missing = new ArrayList<>(requiredCapabilitiesAsConfigured)
     if(missing.isEmpty()) {
return new Result(Result.Status.OK, "All capabilities available: "+StringUtils.join(requiredCapabilitiesAsConfigured))
     } else {
return new Result(Result.Status.WARN, "Missing capabilities: "+StringUtils.join(missing) + "(configured as required: "+StringUtils.join(requiredCapabilitiesAsConfigured)+")")

On 2019-01-18 16:17, Raymond Auge wrote:

I haven't looked so it might already be done, but I would ask that
requirements and capabilities be used so that we can resolve a running
system with minimal configuration.

I can help if someone explains the pieces to me.

- Ray

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 10:04 AM Georg Henzler <fe...@ghenzler.de> wrote:

Hi all,

I have spend quite a bit time to polish the new Felix Health Checks
before the first release:

* The API has been cleaned up while maintaining backwards compatibility for 99% of the checks out in the wild (migration guide will be provided
in Sling)
* Dependencies have been minimised, api and core core run as soon as
slf4j api and servlet api is available
* The new status TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE allows to distinguish
startup/deployment unavailabilities clearly from other CRITICAL problems
* General checks have been introduced and polished (that part has
improved quite a bit compared to what it was in Sling): Sys Admins can
quickly add checks (web console by configuration only) for JMX
attributes, requests or add scripts to check arbitrary conditions.
* Servlet Filters have been introduced to a) flexibly track certain
requests by registering dynamic tags and b) cut off certain (or all)
requests with 503 if certain tags have a certain status values.

See [1] for all tickets solved.

 From my point of view everything is ready for the first release but
feedback is welcome! I plan to create the releases for the modules
annotation, api, core, generalchecks and webconsoleplugin next week.

Best Regards



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