Hey David,

Ok, thanks!


> On May 10, 2021, at 21:25, David Bosschaert <david.bosscha...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi David,
> Under the 'converter' umbrella in Felix there are 3 subprojects besides the
> converter itself:
> * serializer
> * schematizer
> * persister
> I personally think it would be absolutely fine to leave them in Apache
> Felix. They build atop the converter. The converter API itself doesn't
> change in any way, so these components can just stay where they are...
> Does that make sense to you?
> Cheers,
> David
> On Mon, 10 May 2021 at 11:24, David Leangen (OSGi) <o...@leangen.net> wrote:
>> Hey David,
>> Thanks as always for all your great contributions.
>> I was just wondering about the Serializer. Although I have not put any
>> work into for a while (including releasing, which I have not yet managed to
>> get set up to do), I at least still use it, and I still think it is a
>> useful, even necessary tool. Unless you know of something else that does
>> the job?
>> Cheers,
>> =David
>> What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two
>> months. (Fred Brooks)
>> On May 7, 2021 18:18 +0900, dav...@apache.org, wrote:
>>> Hi JB,
>>> Some of the contributors of the Converter at Felix are already committers
>>> at the Eclipse project [5].
>>> Others can just create PRs for any changes to the
>>> https://github.com/osgi/osgi/ project. As it's an opensource project you
>>> can earn committer karma the usual open-source way.
>>> I have done a quick commit grep and found that of the 200 commits to the
>>> converter there are 13 made by people who are not already committers at
>> the
>>> OSGi project at Eclipse.
>>> I have also checked with Eclipse around releasing the component. Any
>> fixes
>>> that don't impact the API, i.e. micro-version releases can be done from
>> an
>>> Eclipse project pretty much any time. Fixes that do impact the API would
>>> also need a specification update.
>>> Best regards,
>>> David
>>> [5] https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.osgi/who
>>> On Thu, 6 May 2021 at 16:23, Jean-Baptiste Onofre <j...@nanthrax.net>
>> wrote:
>>>> Hi David,
>>>> It makes sense and it would be more "consistent" to have a single
>>>> repository.
>>>> As Converter is part of the "spec", it makes sense to be located at
>>>> Eclipse.
>>>> My only "concern" is about the contributions/contributors on Felix
>>>> Converter.
>>>> Will all Felix committers be able to change/maintain code at Eclipse
>> (the
>>>> code coming from Felix Converter) ?
>>>> Regards
>>>> JB
>>>>> Le 6 mai 2021 à 17:17, dav...@apache.org a écrit :
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> As most would have noticed, OSGi has moved to the Eclipse Foundation
>> [1]
>>>>> and all the future OSGi specification work will happen there [2].
>>>>> The Converter that's in the Felix codebase is an implementation of
>> the
>>>> OSGi
>>>>> Converter specification [3]. As Converter is a 'util' specification,
>> OSGi
>>>>> also provides an implementation with the API. There could be other
>>>>> implementations as well, this is similar to what is done with Push
>>>> Streams
>>>>> and the Service Tracker.
>>>>> The initial implementation of the Converter Util at OSGi was based
>> on the
>>>>> same codebase as the Converter at Felix. In effect it's a fork. Over
>> time
>>>>> the two forks have started to diverge a little, mostly due to
>> different
>>>>> fixes being applied to both of them.
>>>>> Now that OSGi is an Eclipse project and all of the OSGi technology at
>>>>> Eclipse is developed as ordinary opensource projects with the ASL2
>>>> license
>>>>> I think it would be good if we could collapse these 2 forks into one
>>>> again.
>>>>> Because the Converter is the implementation shipped by OSGi as part
>> of
>>>> its
>>>>> spec API (into [4]), we can't really remove the implementation from
>> the
>>>>> OSGi codebase.
>>>>> So I would like to discuss removing the Converter from the Felix
>>>> codebase,
>>>>> so that the codebase can live on in a single location which would be:
>> https://github.com/osgi/osgi/tree/main/org.osgi.util.converter/src/org/osgi/util/converter
>>>>> Obviously this would mean to consolidate all the bugfixes that went
>> into
>>>>> its Felix codebase into the combined one.
>>>>> Combining the codebases into one would mean that all users get the
>>>> benefit
>>>>> from work done to the implementation by both communities.
>>>>> I hope that the Felix community would be open to this.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> David Bosschaert
>>>>> [1]
>> https://newsroom.eclipse.org/news/announcements/osgi-alliance-transfers-governance-osgi-specifications-open-source-software
>>>>> [2] https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.osgi
>>>>> [3]
>> https://docs.osgi.org/specification/osgi.cmpn/7.0.0/util.converter.html
>>>>> [4] https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/osgi/org.osgi.util.converter/

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