I see the logs reflect this case. Please..file a bug report on our Issue
tracker on JIRA.... ANd provide as much detail as possible. The slow
queries mayb indicate an underlying somewhere on the code base

Is anyone able to investigate this more and see if they can shed some light
on this?


On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 7:47 PM Yemdjih Kaze Nasser <kazenas...@gmail.com>

> Not sure why this is happening now but for some days now Integration Tests
> have been acting funny even on branch develop.
> Sometimes they work fine(1 / 5 trials) and others they fail. There is a
> repetitive 6 test case failures and they are all related to DB queries.
> Logs show slow queries and existence of duplicate values for some unique
> entries in the database.
> I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this. Perhaps someone/anyone
> can check and provide feedback. Maybe the problem is on my end and OS but I
> got to check.
> Thanks

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