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Apache Fineract operates under the rules established by the Apache
Software Foundation.
see our stuff:

1. As a community of people, we are not here as our company or
institution, we are independent persons (individuals).

Individuals familiar with or employed by commercial Fineract based
Solution Providers, are very welcome to discuss that solution here,
especially IF it includes ways in which ideas, requirements, and code
can be implemented and contributed back to the community. Apache is

Similarly, solutions that connect to Fineract are welcome to help
document and improve APIs, test scripts, and the like, to enable good
system boundaries.

2. We abide by norms of good behavior and assume good intent. Positive
discussion usually starts with identifying the contribution you - as
an individual - want to make.

It helps immensely to follow norms of a single topic in a threaded
email conversation.  I.e.Please do not respond to an email w a
different topic.

3. We strive to have all our discussions on this public listserv.
This may strike some as 'old fashioned' but it is there for good
reasons.  If you use outside tools (chats, gitter, slack, etc), those
conversations should be brought back to list, or "they didn't happen".
It's ok to share via tickets as well, but you get more mileage having
a discussion.

4. The dev list is public and we allow all in.
Over time, positive contributions by participants on list, in content
for wiki, in tickets, and in code, earn recognition and merit
consideration for additional responsibilities to and on behalf of the

James Dailey
On behalf of the Fineract PMC

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