This sounds great! Thank you Ed!
Looking forward to them.

On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 7:37 PM Ed Cable <> wrote:

> The ideas list hasn't been updated but we are certainly going to have an
> idea related to the machine learning credit scorecards, the chatbot,
> potentially vision PPI, and our other mentor exploring potential other
> projects.
> Ed
> On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 11:13 AM David Asem <> wrote:
>> Hi Ed,
>> I went through the Idealist for GSoC 2022 and found only one AI-related
>> project which is the Fineract Chatbot.
>> Would more AI projects be added? Because I'm interested in working on one
>> of those for GSoC 2022.
>> Happy to learn more.
>> Regards,
>> David Asem
>> On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 6:24 PM Ed Cable <> wrote:
>>> For those mentors that are inputting their ideas, the mentor guide has
>>> some really good tips around framing a project appropriately:
>>> I will categorize some of our projects like suggested below. We will
>>> also categorize between easy, medium, hard.
>>> Low-hanging fruit: These projects require minimal familiarity with the
>>> codebase and basic technical knowledge. They are relatively short, with
>>> clear goals.
>>> Risky/Exploratory: These projects push the scope boundaries of your
>>> development effort. They might require expertise in an area not covered by
>>> your current development team. They might take advantage of a new
>>> technology. There is a reasonable chance that the project might be less
>>> successful, but the potential rewards make it worth the attempt.
>>> Fun/Peripheral: These projects might not be related to the current core
>>> development focus, but create new innovations and new perspective for your
>>> project.
>>> Core development: These projects derive from the ongoing work from the
>>> core of your development team. The list of features and bugs is
>>> never-ending, and help is always welcome.
>>> Infrastructure/Automation: These projects are the code that your
>>> organization uses to get its development work done; for example, projects
>>> that improve the automation of releases, regression tests and automated
>>> builds. This is a category in which a GSoC contributor can be really
>>> helpful, doing work that the development team has been putting off while
>>> they focus on core development.
>>> The projects you propose will define the tone and scope of your
>>> organization’s participation in GSoC. It is a key part of your
>>> organization’s application. Further, it may be the first impression made on
>>> a potential applicant.
>>> On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 9:51 AM Ed Cable <> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I have spoken to many of you directly already and we are finalizing our
>>>> ideas list as our GSOC application is due tomorrow. I want to do one last
>>>> reminder for any potential mentors to share their interest in mentoring
>>>> by filling out this form at
>>>> Ed
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>>> From: Ed Cable <>
>>>> Date: Thu, Jan 6, 2022 at 5:22 PM
>>>> Subject: Call for Mentors: 2022 Google Summer of Code for the Mifos
>>>> Initiative
>>>> To: Dev <>, Mifos software development <
>>>>>, <>
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> It's that time of year again and the Mifos Initiative is looking to
>>>> participate in Google Summer of Code once more. While unfortunately last
>>>> year Mifos Initiative was not selected due to the need to let in new orgs
>>>> to the program, I'm optimistic we can get selected this year. Last year, we
>>>> still were able to play a role in helping guide the five interns that were
>>>> selected under the Apache Software Foundation but when we participate
>>>> directly through Mifos it allows us to target a larger class across a wider
>>>> variety of projects.
>>>> This year we'd be having interns work on our Mifos X web and mobile
>>>> apps, Fineract 1.x and Fineract CN, as well as more projects around our AI
>>>> for All strategy, our Payment Hub EE and payments integration, our Open
>>>> Banking layer, and for the first time projects related to OpenG2P.
>>>> Google Summer of Code applications are due February 21. I will refine
>>>> our application but need to ensure we have a committed group of mentors and
>>>> a solid ideas list. I have already been discussing ideas with our past GSOC
>>>> mentors and recent GSOC alum who will become mentors for the first time.
>>>> We'll be adding our mentors and refining our ideas list at:
>>>> I will schedule a community-wide Zoom meeting to have a discussion on
>>>> potential ideas and answer questions of prospective mentors
>>>> Once again as in 2021, there are some major exciting changes to the
>>>> 2022 GSOC program - the three major changes are listed below (with full
>>>> details at the bottom of the email):
>>>> (1) Starting in 2022, the program will be *open to all newcomers of
>>>> open source* that are 18 years and older, *no longer focusing solely
>>>> on university students**.*
>>>> (2) GSoC Contributors will be able to choose from multiple size
>>>> projects ~175 hour (medium) and 350 hour (large).
>>>> (3) Google is building increased flexibility around the timing of
>>>> projects - there is an option to extend the standard 12 week coding
>>>> time frame to a maximum of 22 weeks
>>>> The coding program officially begins June 13 and for the standard
>>>> duration projects ends September 12 and for the extended duration projects
>>>> November 13.
>>>> 2020 was our biggest year of participation in GSOC to date with 17
>>>> interns mentored by the Mifos Initiative. That high number of interns
>>>> tested the limits of our mentors so I want to emphasize this year that
>>>> if you express interest in being a mentor, know the commitment it takes. We
>>>> will be very deliberate in our selection of projects this year to ensure we
>>>> have proper mentor capacity given with last year's smaller class it was
>>>> more manageable and in the end a better overall experience with more
>>>> attention for each intern.
>>>> Mifos participation is in addition to whatever participation Apache
>>>> Fineract might do as part of the umbrella organization, Apache Software
>>>> Foundation.
>>>> *Developers!*
>>>> This program is one of our most impactful ways to extend our software
>>>> but most importantly grow our community over the long run. Our most active
>>>> volunteers, committers, and maintainers in the community have all been
>>>> former GSOC students so if you're a senior community member looking
>>>> for a great way to give back, this is it!
>>>> I gave a talk a couple years back  that explains how GSOC is truly the
>>>> lifeblood and organic growth engine for our community -
>>>> In case you forgot, here's a link to blogs about past GSOC programs at:
>>>> If interested please *fill out this form*
>>>> <> and/or reply to this email
>>>> thread. If you know someone who would be a good mentor, don't hesitate
>>>> to invite them.
>>>> *Partners & Users!*
>>>> Regarding our list of Ideas, this year we'll both revisit some of the
>>>> ideas that weren't picked up last year, continue evolving the apps that
>>>> students have worked on in the past and try to do more projects on Fineract
>>>> 1.x and its ongoing modularization, the Payment Hub and payment
>>>> orchestration, streamlining design and development of our mobile apps, our
>>>> Open Banking APIs, and OpenG2P.
>>>> As we did last year, the majority of ideas we'll submit for
>>>> our application will be related to Mifos X distribution powered by
>>>> Apache Fineract 1.0 including web app (Community App), mobile apps (field
>>>> officer, mobile banking, mobile wallet ), and other modules (data import
>>>> tool, etc.) powered by Apache Fineract as well as our payment integration
>>>> tools including payment hub and mobile money integrations.
>>>> You can start adding ideas to our very early stage 2022 ideas page at
>>>> That page is still to be updated for current ideas.
>>>> We especially need more functional use cases of what the mobile apps
>>>> should support - if you would like to see new innovation and more
>>>> development - this is your chance to have your feedback be heard!
>>>> --
>>>> *Ed Cable*
>>>> President/CEO, Mifos Initiative
>>>> | Skype: edcable | Mobile: +1.484.477.8649
>>>> *Collectively Creating a World of 3 Billion Maries | *
>>>> <>  <>
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>>> From: 'sttaylor' via Google Summer of Code Mentors List <
>>>> Date: Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 1:10 PM
>>>> Subject: [GSoC Mentors] GSoC 2022 Updates and Details for Mentors and
>>>> Org Admins
>>>> To: Google Summer of Code Mentors List <
>>>> Hi Mentors and Org Admins,
>>>> Google Summer of Code is starting an exciting new chapter with multiple
>>>> updates to the program in 2022. The open source ecosystem has evolved since
>>>> GSoC’s first program in 2005 and we’re adjusting the program to meet the
>>>> needs of our communities.
>>>> We discussed these changes in depth at the virtual Mentor Summit last
>>>> week and wanted to give you the highlights as well as some of the finer
>>>> details. This email is long, so I apologize in advance.
>>>> (1) Starting in 2022, the program will be open to all newcomers of open
>>>> source that are 18 years and older, no longer focusing solely on university
>>>> students. With folks around the world changing careers, returning to
>>>> the workforce, learning on their own (outside of academic programs) we see
>>>> an opportunity to reach a plethora of excited individuals who want to learn
>>>> more about open source and be a part of our amazing GSoC communities.
>>>> With this change we needed a new way to address the participants who
>>>> are not students so we came up with the term “GSoC Contributors” as it
>>>> is more welcoming than participants. We are trying to use the full term 
>>>> “GSoC
>>>> Contributor” so they aren’t confused in a general conversation about
>>>> contributors already in your community.
>>>> For orgs this still means you will be focused on bringing new
>>>> contributors into your organization, this is not a way for your org to pay
>>>> a current great contributor. You want to welcome new contributors, that is
>>>> the true spirit of GSoC.
>>>> Why make this change now, after 17 years? In our previous 3 in-person
>>>> mentor summits (2017-2019) we asked the question ‘who is your ideal GSoC
>>>> contributor?’ a) students b) developers a little further into their careers
>>>> than students (you aren’t teaching them version control, testing protocols,
>>>> etc. because they are already familiar) or c) you are happy bringing
>>>> excited new contributors into your community and their level of experience
>>>> doesn’t necessarily matter to your org. And all 3 years the mentors were
>>>> equally divided ⅓,⅓ and ⅓.  We believe this is an opportunity to bring many
>>>> more new contributors into your community that are excited to learn more
>>>> about open source and will hopefully stay long after their GSoC program
>>>> ends.
>>>> Explicitly stating requirements. If your org really enjoys mentoring
>>>> students or wants a person with more general coding experience who can dive
>>>> right into your codebase, you can choose to just focus on that particular
>>>> group of GSoC Contributors. However you must be explicit and communicate
>>>> this in every possible place to be fair to applicants who are looking into
>>>> your org and want to write a proposal. You should state your strong
>>>> preference in your instructions/requirements for proposals on your GSoC org
>>>> homepage, under project ideas list or at any place where applicants will be
>>>> looking before they dive into writing proposals. Organizations are
>>>> encouraged to state experience level expected (beginner, intermediate,
>>>> etc.) along with difficulty of the project (easy, medium, challenging).
>>>> (2) GSoC Contributors will be able to choose from multiple size
>>>> projects ~175 hour (medium) and 350 hour (large). We understand not
>>>> everyone can spend 30 hours a week on a coding project for 12 weeks but
>>>> they would like to be a part of these communities with the help of mentors.
>>>> We know many mentors were concerned when we added the concept of 175hr
>>>> projects for this year, and while it worked out great for many orgs, some
>>>> orgs were not happy with the change and said their projects were very
>>>> involved and need the bigger, 350 hour projects for the contributor to be
>>>> able to get anything really accomplished. So for 2022 we will have both
>>>> sizes of projects.
>>>> We strongly encourage orgs to have both size projects available in
>>>> their project ideas lists and in their slot allocation requests. If your
>>>> org really liked the 175 hr project size and just wants to have those
>>>> available, that is fine. Keep in mind that when we are allocating slots, if
>>>> your org is only asking for large projects and you are used to getting 5 or
>>>> 6 slots you may only get 3 or 4 slots.
>>>> We know coming up with projects that are a certain time requirement can
>>>> be tricky, but we trust you all. And if you realize that what you thought
>>>> would be a 175 hr project is really more like a 275+ hr project, the mentor
>>>> can work with the GSoC contributor to adjust the scope during the summer.
>>>> This is what y’all have been doing for years and re-scoping is fine as long
>>>> as you and the GSoC contributor are doing it together. You will not be able
>>>> to switch a project to a larger project from a medium sized project once
>>>> slots have been assigned.
>>>> The stipend amounts for GSoC Contributors will be in the same general
>>>> range as the last couple of years with the medium size 175 hr projects
>>>> being half the dollar amount of the 350 hr projects. The org stipend will
>>>> be $500 per GSoC Contributor regardless of whether it’s a medium or large
>>>> project.
>>>> (3) We are building increased flexibility around the timing of projects
>>>> - there is an option to extend the standard 12 week coding time frame to a
>>>> maximum of 22 weeks.  This option is to allow for folks who may
>>>> realize that spreading the work over say, 16 weeks, is a more realistic
>>>> goal with their current life situation. Or for contributors who have life
>>>> happen in the middle of the program and they can’t work on their projects
>>>> for a few weeks, but they can come back to it after a month to finish it.
>>>> Mentors and GSoC Contributors can work together to decide at the proposal
>>>> stage if they want to lengthen a project to something longer than the 12
>>>> weeks or the extension can happen during the coding period itself.
>>>> Ultimately the Org Admin will be the one making the end date adjustment for
>>>> each GSoC Contributor project on their dashboard so they have the final say
>>>> on when they want all projects completed in their org.
>>>> Hopefully this makes it easier for GSoC Contributors and mentors to be
>>>> able to navigate together when obstacles occur and the GSoC Contributor can
>>>> still successfully complete their project just in a bit longer time frame
>>>> than they (and their mentor) may have planned on.
>>>> General Program Flow
>>>> The general program flow will continue to be the same up to the coding
>>>> period, and then depending on the length of the student’s project (12 week,
>>>> 15 week, etc.) their evaluation deadlines may vary. With the new webapp we
>>>> are building, it will be very clear what your next action item is - this is
>>>> especially important for org admins as they could have many projects spread
>>>> out with different deadlines. We are very focused on making the webapp easy
>>>> to use. : )
>>>> We encourage you to explore our resources
>>>> <> (including
>>>> flyers and slide decks), the Contributor/Student Guide
>>>> <> (fully updated with the
>>>> changes) and Mentor Guides
>>>> <> (not updated yet, though
>>>> only minor changes needed in there). You can also view (and share!) our
>>>> announcement blog post
>>>> <>.
>>>> You can always check out our archive <> for previous
>>>> successful projects by year.
>>>> The timeline for 2022 will be announced late this year on our upcoming
>>>> new program site.
>>>> We hope you are excited about these changes.
>>>> Feel free to reach out to us at with any
>>>> specific questions or concerns.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Stephanie and Saranya
>>>> --
>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>>> Groups "Google Summer of Code Mentors List" group.
>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>>>> an email to
>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>>> <>
>>>> .
>>>> --
>>>> *Ed Cable*
>>>> President/CEO, Mifos Initiative
>>>> | Skype: edcable | Mobile: +1.484.477.8649
>>>> *Collectively Creating a World of 3 Billion Maries | *
>>>> <>  <>
>>> --
>>> *Ed Cable*
>>> President/CEO, Mifos Initiative
>>> | Skype: edcable | Mobile: +1.484.477.8649
>>> *Collectively Creating a World of 3 Billion Maries | *
>>> <>  <>
> --
> *Ed Cable*
> President/CEO, Mifos Initiative
> | Skype: edcable | Mobile: +1.484.477.8649
> *Collectively Creating a World of 3 Billion Maries | *
> <>  <>

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