I agree with you James Dailey.



On Sat, Feb 18, 2023 at 6:04 AM James Dailey <jamespdai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ed -  Let’s please keep this clear and separated.
> Mifos is a non profit that can bring GSOC volunteers onboard to its
> separate projects.
> Mifos UI enhancements
> Mifos PaymentHUB
> Projects that sit “on top off” Fineract (Machine learning , apps for loan
> origination scoring)
> All of those belong w Mifos and only should be discussed here at Fineract
> if there are backend changes that possibly would be needed.  Jira tickets,
> complete tests for any of those backend dependencies.
> At fineract, if we have a dedicated mentor who is a member of the PMC, we
> can perhaps work on a GSOC project under Apache.  However that mentor must
> naturally apply the highest level of quality assurance before such
> contributions can come into a Release branch.  I’m calling this out because
> 100% of our production users have - UNTIL NOW worked on forked versions
> (where they correct issues on private repos).
> A helpful approach would be to create a kind of “GSOC- experimental
> branch“ that can be used as a demo and source of ideas.
> Then our Dev Branch and our Release Branch will remain stable and
> maintainable.
> This allows us to stick with our previously committed Roadmap, quality
> processes, and potentially bring on new devs, who, over time can become a
> contributor.
> Agreed?
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 3:23 PM Ed Cable <edca...@mifos.org> wrote:
>> Hello Mifos & Fineract communities,
>> It's that time of year again and the Mifos Initiative is looking to
>> participate in Google Summer of Code once more. This would be our eleventh
>> year of participation. Our application has been submitted and we're in the
>> process of refining our ideas list in case we do get selected. If we are
>> selected to participate this year, I want to be deeply cognizant of having
>> a committed set of mentors and backup mentors who will be available for the
>> duration of the program to mentor their students in an engaged fashion.
>> Last year, despite having a smaller number of projects than normal (just
>> ten) we struggled to provide the ideal mentoring experience for our interns
>> and some of our mentors had to take on extra capacity to guide their
>> interns. GSOC still represents a great way to attract highly talented
>> individuals and begin to pass the torch onto the next generation of
>> contributors so it's a great way for our more seasoned community members to
>> participate and give back.
>> We already have a strong set of mentors who have expressed their interest
>> and their commitment to mentor this year but we're still seeking more so we
>> can have redundancy and ensure we deliver our interns the enriching
>> experience and professional and personal growth they deserve.
>> While Apache Software Foundation is applying separately, under the
>> umbrella of the Mifos Initiative, we will focus on our suite of Mifos
>> mobile and web apps for staff and customers but also target projects for
>> Fineract 1.x with a primary focus on peripheral innovation on the edge or
>> making progress on ongoing refactoring, code stability, security
>> improvements, testing coverage growth, etc around the back-end. While we
>> haven't refined the ideas significantly, we will also target work on the
>> Payment Hub, our AI for All strategy, additional modules on top of
>> Fineract, Open Banking and 3PPI APIs and G2P related efforts like OpenG2P.
>> With the project ideas we'll be targeting and focusing on, we'll aim for
>> those on the back-end and Fineract to not impact core development or put
>> overall quality of the platform at risk.
>> We'll hear back on the status of our application by Feb 22 and if
>> accepted, interns can begin applying March 20.
>> We'll be adding our mentors and refining our ideas list at:
>> https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/RES/pages/3296690177/Google+Summer+of+Code+2023+Ideas
>> If you have any questions please contact me or or other org admins @Rahul
>> Goel <rahul.usi...@gmail.com> and @Sanyam Goel <sanyam.bvco...@gmail.com>
>> To express interest in mentoring, please fill the form out at
>> https://forms.gle/7X5c138tDJnmKTzC9
>> If you have ideas you'd like to list, please reach out to me or the other
>> org admins and we'll help get them added to the wiki page.
>> Later on, I will schedule a community-wide Zoom meeting to have a
>> discussion on potential ideas and answer questions of prospective mentors
>> Most of the changes that took place in 2022 have carried over to the 2023
>> program. These major changes are listed below.
>> (1) Starting in 2022, the program will be *open to all newcomers of open
>> source* that are 18 years and older, *no longer focusing solely on
>> university students**.*
>> (2) GSoC Contributors will be able to choose from multiple size projects
>> ~175 hour (medium) and 350 hour (large).
>> (3) Google is building increased flexibility around the timing of
>> projects - there is an option to extend the standard 12 week coding time
>> frame to a maximum of 22 weeks
>> More on the 2023 program can be found at
>> https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/resources/downloads/GSoC2023Presentation.pdf
>> The program starts slightly earlier this year with the coding program
>> officially beginning May 29 and for the standard duration projects ending
>> on August 8 and for the extended duration projects November 6.
>> --
>> *Ed Cable*
>> President/CEO, Mifos Initiative
>> edca...@mifos.org | Skype: edcable | Mobile: +1.484.477.8649
>> *Collectively Creating a World of 3 Billion Maries | *http://mifos.org
>> <http://facebook.com/mifos>  <http://www.twitter.com/mifos>
>> --
> Sent from Gmail Mobile

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