I think you you make a very clear and sensible case.
+1 to accepting Velo's donation.

On 24 January 2013 12:22, christofer.d...@c-ware.de <
christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> after me telling the other Flexmojos users on the FM Mailinglist that we
> are working on a brand-new flex plugin for maven. Velo said that he would
> be willing to donate Flexmojos to Apache. We just should tell him where to
> sign and what to do (Even if the "doing" would be something that would have
> to be done by me)
> I think it would be a good idea to take this offer. But I wouldn't
> recommend directly using this code as a directly as the official Flex
> Plugin. More I would like to add it as some sort of scratchpad project and
> use the existing parts to build a new plugin and to do things differently
> where things aren't solved ideally.
> The reason for this is that Flexmojos has become a beast to maintain, as
> it supports Adobe Flex 2 up to 4.6 and with my changes in the Flexmojos 6.x
> branch it even supports Apache Flex 4.8 and 4.9. Currently you need about 8
> complete FDKs to have the Testsuite working and the mixing of group-Ids
> (com.adobe.flex and org.apache.flex) has made everything even worse.
> The testsuite is full of tests which made sense once, but today it seems
> impossible to find out what they were initially meant to test. Usually when
> adding support for a new FDK the testsuite had errors and I simply made
> them pass again. I would like to setup a clean testsuite that has a more
> clean structure AND has documented Tests to avoid problems like this in the
> future.
> Flexmojos has grown more and more over the years making it one monolithic
> plugin. Everybody using IntelliJ will probably have noticed one problem
> that is related to this ... IntelliJ keeps on complaining about no
> storagePass property being configured. This property is mandatory for
> creating signed Air application, and therefore is a required property, but
> for normal Flex application it is optional. Splitting up everything into
> separate mojos would make a lot of stuff easier.
> The next thing is that I would like to completely overwork the
> Test-support. Currently Flexmojos opens a set of sockets and compiles a
> dedicated testrunner SWF to connect to these sockets. There have been quite
> some problems with this. I would therefore like to change this that the swf
> is served by a mini-webserver (20 LOC) and simply communicates with a
> rudimentary webservice on the same port.
> In the TestSupport I am also thinking about using the Flex Log-Framework
> to support several concurrent streams of log-data and provide the means to
> save the log output together with the test-results. Currently debugging
> tests is pretty nasty.
> Last not Least I think with a new plugin we could optimize tool support
> much better by including the Tool vendors in the process (I'm just thinking
> about the copy-resources problems with IntelliJ).
> What do you think?
> Chris


Roland Zwaga
Senior Consultant | Stack & Heap BVBA

+32 (0)486 16 12 62 | rol...@stackandheap.com | http://www.stackandheap.com


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