While both Erik and I are using Goog, I think Roland is asking why we aren't
use Jquery or ExtJS UI components.

In my framework, I'm not right now because I had trouble getting my head
around them and the ones I looked at seemed to come with application
framework infrastructure, and I want to start with the basic built-ins.

One difference in API between my new framework and the Flex SDK is that the
Flex SDK tried to have one button that did everything, whereas I want the
new framework to have many buttons, some that are bare bones and then
fancier ones.  The ones I'm working on new wrap HTML button.  Then I would
like to see ones that wrap the built in HTML5 button.  And someone else is
welcome to wrap some other JS framework's button if they want.

On 1/25/13 12:13 PM, "Erik de Bruin" <e...@ixsoftware.nl> wrote:

>> The title of this message says exactly what I mean. Right now we're talking
>> about cross compiling the Flex SDK
>> itself, along with all of its components.
> No, neither Alex nor I are taking that approach.
>> The way that TypeScript and Randori/SharpKit integrate with JS is by
>> declaring some sort of interface which has exactly
>> the same signatures of their JS counterparts. I think this will quite
>> probably make the most sense for Apache Flex as well.
> That's what I'm doing, and what I understand from Alex's approach the
> same goes for him. I'm building a JS library with the same signature
> as the Flex SDK, Alex has started a new AS framework and is building a
> complementary JS framework with the same API.
>> And we could just use regular actionscript interfaces to do it. Probably
>> with a small bit of annotation, so, for example,
>> ...
>> What we then would need is some sort of compiler support that recognizes
>> the annotation and automatically includes the
>> specified .js file. (instead of trying to cross compile the interface)
> That's exactly what I've done for the Vanilla SDK: it's a Google
> Closure Library supported JS framework that uses a specific cross
> compilation implementation in the FalconJx compiler, the 'goog'
> emitter.
>> If we want to gain some traction in the HTML world I strongly believe we
>> need to make friends out there :) And what better way of
>> making friends than through integrating with them :)
> The VanillaSDK approach does this for the Closure Library and the way
> Mike set up make this 'easy'. I've even set up the initial code needed
> to implement Frank W's "AMD/RequireJS" approach.
>> Please feel free to call me a fool and tell me my idea is crap, because I
>> might just be talking out of my ass as usual. :)
> Not a fool at all, and I like your idea so much that I've already
> started work on one implementation :-)
> Hope we can work together to make this the future of Flex!
> EdB
> --
> Ix Multimedia Software
> Jan Luykenstraat 27
> 3521 VB Utrecht
> T. 06-51952295
> I. www.ixsoftware.nl

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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