>> What I don't see in the 'debug JS' approach is what do you do with the
>> bugs you find in JS? Any changes you make in the JS will get
>> overwritten the next time you compile the AS, correct? Or am I missing
>> something?
> Oh no, changing the generated JS would be futile, but having clear access to
> through, for example, source maps would be really important for being able
> to
> pinpoint what is going wrong. I'm sure that once Apache Flex starts
> churning out
> projects that are being cross-compiled we're going to run into edge cases
> where the
> generated JS doesn't work, or doesn't work as expected. And especially in
> the latter
> case you'd probably want to be able to play around with the JS to see what
> the problem
> is exactly.

Certainly, which is why I 'keep' the intermediate JS, which is not
optimised or minified at all. I think the JS output I create is very
readable and matches the original AS structure reasonably well. Not
line for line, to be sure, but close enough to be able to match it
back to the AS code.

In case you missed it in the flood of emails I sent the last couple of
days: I've uploaded the output of my concept so everyone can view the
results without having to set up the whole project. Please look at:



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