On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 9:38 AM, Roland Zwaga <rol...@stackandheap.com>wrote:

> > We have 2 camps now, performance vs debugging features.
> >
> I believe you are incorrect. The debugging features are only relevant when
> compiling in debug mode.
> Every camp here agrees that release mode should output the most optimized
> JS possible.

Totally agree with Alex and Roland.
Daniel, did you have a look at Erik's demo?
It is not a performance demo, but what you can see is that, from the same
AS sources, the compiler produces a debuggable version ("intermediate JS
version") and a minified version ("release JS version") which packs the
whole application into merely 11.5 kb. While this is only a small demo
application, it shows that there is no bloat or large overhead. So the
solution to first create debuggable code, then minify for production, seems
to work well.
We'll do performance tests later, when we have a larger example working.


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