Sorry, yes.  I was referring to the new roadmap.

I've blogged about the news here:

@Kevin, I can accomplish miraculous graphics performance when I code
natively in: Android Java / Objective-C / MarmaladeSDK,  just using
canvas-style graphics: SurfaceView / Core Graphics / Iw2D - and I STILL get
better graphics performance than I can get fiddling around with Stage3D at
a low level, juggling with vertices, and indices, and AGAL shaders.

I'm pretty attached to freely styling component appearances, and freely
styled text labels.  I don't want to build a framework where developers
need to make new SpriteSheets and Bitmap Font sheets - to change styling.

Right now I'm stuck with drawing to the display-list first, and then
converting DisplayObject surfaces to Stage3D textures.  That's a
bottleneck.  DisplayObject -> Texture.

I don't want to use the old legacy display list.  So I've put in a feature
request for a better way to draw vector graphics and freely-styled text to
textures (or BitmapData, or some other data type that uploads quickly as a

For example:;, 10.0, 100.0, 50.0, 20.0);"Hello", 30.0, 40.0, textFormat);

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