It still happens besause of the headerStyleName of the DateChooser, I guess I should re-generate the images with that, what do you think ?

           weekDayStyleName: "noBoldWeekDayStyle";
           headerStyleName: "noBoldHeaderStyles"

           fontWeight: normal;
           textAlign: "center";

       .noBoldHeaderStyles {
           fontWeight: normal;

Another issue with pixel diffs of the LangPacks/Japanese/tests/phoneNumberValidatorTests JA_PhoneNumberValidator_wrongLengthError, I send you a copy of the bas png.

I'll be away from today until Monday, I'll take my laptop but I'm not sure I'll have internet there.


-----Message d'origine----- From: Alex Harui
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 3:32 AM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Apache Flex 4.9.1 RC3

Turns out the tooltip was in bold which we don't have a font for.  I just
set the tooltip to normal and recut baselines.  See if they pass for you.

For the bubble test, I will look into it eventually, but time is limited for
me right now as I'm prepping for a travel day tomorrow.  I did notice that
the width of the thick grey bar at the bottom seems to be one pixel shorter
for you than in the baselines.  If you have time to debug that test and
follow the logic that determines that width, that might give us the clue we

On 2/20/13 4:48 PM, "Frédéric THOMAS" <> wrote:


-1 at the moment as I still have failed tests and I can't solve them, Alex
saied he's going to have a look, I sent him the images.


-----Message d'origine-----
From: Justin Mclean
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Apache Flex 4.9.1 RC3


+1 (binding) from me also.

Anyone else have some time to try this out?


Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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