
A naive question/observation could be: if Adobe ever drops Flash Player support 
(and all the Flash ecosystem), will they contribute the source or will it end 
the Flash side of Flex (but opening the newly fresh path to JS) ? (I know that 
there is no answer yet, and my question is totally biased).

Add this to the coward business attitude now, and we all get the picture. Adobe 
is right trying to. But Adobe could be just dropping a jewel without even 
knowing it (an unsellable jewel, that was initially wrong, think of the 99% of 
Flash, Nielsen was right in the end and now it is HTML5's turn to suffer on bad 
design). Also, the Flex project is well shaped to the future bullets, already 
envisionning the JS routes and so.

Good we are all here, glad to see this live and running ... plus: all the 
digital signage solutions that need dynamic data are still fed with Flash ! 
(OK, ok, JS too, but ... yeah, seems , ok ok. It will be alright).

Apologies to all! 


> Hi,
> Flex is an Apache open source project. Adobe as a company has no control over 
> it but Adobe employees are free to (and do) contribute. That's how the ASF 
> works.
> Slightly off topic but there was a very good session at ApacheCon NA on the 
> managing the risks of using open source - perhaps it can put things into 
> perspective?
> http://lanyrd.com/2013/apachecon/scbttz/
> http://archive.apachecon.com/na2013/presentations/28-Thursday/Community_Over_code/14:45-Managing_Project_Risk_when_using_Open_Source-Nick_Burch.odp
> Thanks,
> Justin

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