On 3/14/13 10:36 AM, "Om" <bigosma...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> FWIW, the new framework I'm working on is probably going to be less vector
>> graphic oriented and rely on bitmaps since I think bitmaps are how most
>> things get "skinned" in html/js/css
> This really worries me.  Are you saying that we dont want to support FXG in
> FlexJS?
I eventually want to support everything, but time is of the essence, and I
am going to prioritize stuff that we can get done quickly and that performs
well.  I'm not an expert, but I'm told that bitmaps work better in the GPU
than vectors.
> Spark skinning paradigm is one of the best out there.
Aside from the fact there is a consistent way to skin components and you can
sort of declare a skin in MXML, what else is a must-have for FlexJS?

> Are we willing to
> throw it out because HTML/JS cant support it?  That is not a vision of Flex
> that existing developers would like (including me)
> At the very minimum, we should support the BitmapImage (and related
> classes) That would be better than no FXG support at all.
If you want to take it on, go ahead, but I'm not sure how many Adobe tools
will output FXG going forward.  Are you willing to run an older version to
keep FXG around?  Especially if it doesn't perform well?

If we're working with bitmap skins, sure there will be scaling issues, but
you will be able to use the same Adobe tools to generate these bitmaps.
> As an aside, most FXG elements have SVG equivalents.  In that sense FXG is
> only an XSLT transformation away from SVG (I had to do the reverse
> transformation for a project a while ago)
> Most modern browsers support inlining SVG with HTML5 [1]  If we can skin
> HTML elements using SVG like this [2], that would be a big win for us.
>  This would bring us so much closer to how we skin MXML with FXG.
> FYI, there is a whole bunch of inline SVG + HTML5 usage examples here [3]
If that's what you want to work on, go for it.  It just isn't high on my
personal priority list.

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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