Awesome!  :)
On 20 Mar 2013 22:03, "Igor Costa" <> wrote:

> Hi there guys.
> I was busy theses days working on maps for Flex, and turns out that we had
> left so less, Google,yahoo drops support.
> And I guess is time to create our very own component and integrate in the
> current SDK, spliting overall problems on platform support.
> I'd like to introduce Flex-Maps
> It's based on ModestMaps engine and includes basic functionality found in
> Goole Maps like, Markers, Collections, InfoWindow.
> So, the idea behind is to fullfill the gap left by major vendors and help
> developers using current vendors out there with their own maps.
> Right now the components includes the following services:
>    - Openstreet maps
>    - Nokia Here maps
>    - Microsoft Bing Maps
>    - Yahoo Maps
> I'm planing to include in the flex SDK, but has a lot to be done before I
> submit.
> From now  I just need some feedback.
> Best Regards
> ----------------------------
> Igor Costa

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