I've tried to follow all the git discussions. But, after all the discussions on 
how to use git, I'm still confused on the basics.

Here's what I need to know right now:
Right now I have a number of files I've edited outside my working directory 
related to ColorPicker inside experimental. I'd like to commit this work to the 
develop branch. It probably makes sense to create a branch to indicate the work 
I'm doing on this. (or not?)

I'm using SourceTree on Mac. I'd rather not mess with the command line.

So far I've checked out develop and master. The index view shows a bunch of 
modified and deleted files. I have not yet touched any of the git folders on my 

How do I?
1) Make sure my working copy is up to date?
2) Make sure my working coy is the correct branch? (Does that make sense?)
3) Create a new branch? (Or do I?)
4) Get my changes up to origin?

I've seen a lot of talk about switching between branches, but this stuff is all 
very fuzzy to me and kind of scary… ;-)


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