
So in git hub are all contributors easily identified and contactable?

Each github contributor has an email address since he has a github account


-----Message d'origine----- From: Justin Mclean
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 1:26 AM
To: dev@flex.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] How do we want to handle Whiteboard?


Think we may be missing the point here there's nothing to stop a committer from using github for their own experiments now, but if that code is eventually donated into the Flex project it would need to:

1) Any contributors who have a made a large contribution have signed a ICLA and agree to this code being donated. Just having an ICLA signed may not be enough as it may not been clear that the intent was to move the code to Apache Flex. So in git hub are all contributors easily identified and contactable?

2) Development should be in the open and all current committers notified of progress. At the very least discussion about the code need to take place on the development list (and not elsewhere ie in github) and all changes/diffs to the code need to mailed to commit mailing list.

Having the whiteboards in git hub would be no different.


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