Hi Cosma,

Thanks for presenting this possible approach.


On 6/3/13 12:45 AM, "Cosma Colanicchia" <cosma...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Just trying to throw a quick thinking at it, in particular about the MXML
>declaration mess - to avoid cartesian multiplication of states, couldn't
>just normalize them? I mean, grouping them in mutually exclusive groups,
>which is the typical scenario:
>  <s:ExclusiveStateGruop>
>      <s:State name="up"/>
>      <s:State name="down"/>
>      <s:State name="over"/>
>  </s:ExclusiveStateGruop>
>  <s:ExclusiveStateGruop>
>      <s:State name="nonFocused"/>
>      <s:State name="focused"/>
>  </s:ExclusiveStateGruop>
>  <s:ExclusiveStateGruop>
>      <s:State name="nonDefault"/>
>      <s:State name="default"/>
>  </s:ExclusiveStateGruop>
>This is different from the current freely assignable state groups, in that
>they define the mixing rules of the various base states - thus we
>implicitly expressed all the possible (and valid) combinations of the
>various base state (in this case, 3*2*2 = 12 possible valid states),
>instead of manually declaring a lot of states with long and unreadable
>names (like "overAndFocusedAndDefault").
>The API should let specify multiple current states, as long as two
>exclusive state are not specified, for example with a sintax like this:
>myComp.currentState = "up-focused-nonDefault" // VALID
>myComp.currentState = "up-down-nonDefault" // INVALID
>(to avoid confusion with current syntax, I think we should pick another
>separator different from "," to express these "state trails") We may also
>agree that the first state declared of each exclusive group is the default
>value of its group, so that we can write:
>myComp.currentState = "up" // same as "up-nonFocused-nonDefault"
>Then, current state groups and MXML syntax would kick in, it should just
>recognize the state trails:
><s:Rect includeIn="focused" alpha="0.5" alpha.default="0.7">
><s:Rect includeIn="focused-nonDefault">
>Or, we could also supports additional MXML like:
><s:Rect alpha.up="0" alpha.over="0.5" alpha.over-focused="1.0"> ...
>In which more specific value assignment should win over more generic ones
>(something like that is already implemented, when you write alpha="0"
>Finally, from a compatibility point of view, a component using an
>"old-style" states set could be just translated to a single mutually
>exclusive state group (in fact, it is one) - the compiler should just
>prevent mixing the two approaches.
>2013/6/3 Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>
>> Hi Max,
>> Thanks for detailing it out.
>> In the relatively few minutes I've spent thinking about the problem, I
>> pondered whether the answer is to expand on how s:State is used, or
>> allow you to have conditional attributes based on things other than
>> States.  IMO, along with this set of States is code you have to write to
>> set currentState appropriately, and in many cases, it seems like you're
>> just going to wire it to some other property.  For this Button example,
>> don't really have a "isFocused" property, but we certainly could add
>> and the "Default" states are all tied to what is currently called the
>> 'emphasized' property.  So why not some syntax that just lets you set a
>> property based on some other property?  For sure there can be
>> or maybe it won't handle complex situations, but it seems like when I
>> at the AS that we write when we give up on States, they are generally
>> simple expressions.  So, while property.state implies the value of that
>> property when currentState is that State, maybe some other delimiter
>> besides '.' can be used to dictate the value of a property when some
>> property is true or false or some simple expression.  I'm going to use
>> in this example, which may not be legal XML, but should give you an
>> Then the states are simply:
>>     <s:states>
>>       <s:State name="up"/>
>>       <s:State name="down"/>
>>       <s:State name="over"/>
>>     </s:states>
>> And some widgets in the skin look like:
>>     <s:Rect id="focusBorder" includeIn(isFocused)=""
>>             left(emphasized)=-2 left=-1 />
>>     <s:Rect id="background" color.up="..." color.down="..."
>>             color(currentState=="up"&&emphasized)
>> Now, when I look at that, I wonder: why not just use binding?
>>     <s:Rect id="focusBorder" includeIn="{isFocused}"
>>             left="{emphasized ? -1 : -2}" />
>>     <s:Rect id="background" color.up="..." color.down="..."
>>             color="{(currentState=="up"&&emphasized) ? "red" : "blue"}"
>> Yes, I know we told you not to use binding in skins for performance
>> reasons, but I am hoping to find ways to make databinding much faster in
>> FlexJS.
>> And one final thought:  In FlexJS, we may end up saying that you
>> specify these visual aspects in the "skin".  Instead, you might want to
>> use more CSS, and then we could implement attribute selectors on the AS
>> side since that CSS is going to work on the JS side.
>> Then you just have:
>>     <s:Rect id="focusBorder" className="buttonFocusBorder"
>>     <s:Rect id="background" className="buttonBackground"
>> And CSS like:
>> .buttonFocusBorder#focusBorder[emphasized] {
>>   left: -2;
>> }
>> .buttonFocusBorder#focusBorder {
>>   left: -1;
>> }
>> .buttonBackground#background[emphasize] {
>>   color: "blue";
>> }
>> .buttonBackground#background {
>>   color: "red";
>> }
>> I'm not sure we can extend the set of attributes or not, but we can also
>> specify multiple class selector names, so we might be able to handle
>> custom properties that way.
>> -Alex
>> On 6/2/13 10:45 AM, "Maxime Cowez" <maxime.co...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >I'd like to make this more concrete. Let's take Alex' Button example
>> >compare the 'stateGroups' way to the 'multidimensional states' way.
>> >Here's what that Button's States might look like with 'stateGroups'.
>> >
>> >    <s:states>
>> >        <s:State name="up" stateGroups="upStates,normal"/>
>> >        <s:State name="down" stateGroups="downStates,normal"/>
>> >        <s:State name="over" stateGroups="overStates,normal"/>
>> >        <s:State name="upAndDefault" stateGroups="upStates,default"/>
>> >        <s:State name="downAndDefault"
>> >        <s:State name="overAndDefault"
>> >        <s:State name="upAndFocused" stateGroups="upStates,focused"/>
>> >        <s:State name="downAndFocused"
>> >        <s:State name="overAndFocused"
>> >        <s:State name="upAndDefaultAndFocused"
>> >stateGroups="upStates,default,focused"/>
>> >        <s:State name="downAndDefaultAndFocused"
>> >stateGroups="downStates,default,focused"/>
>> >        <s:State name="overAndDefaultAndFocused"
>> >stateGroups="overStates,default,focused"/>
>> >    </s:states>
>> >
>> >The states declaration looks heavy and is rather hard to decipher: -1
>> >
>> >The actual component would look something like:
>> >
>> >    <s:Rect id="focusBorder" includeIn="focused"/>
>> >    <s:Rect id="background" color.upStates="..." color.downStates="..."
>> >color.overStates="..."/>
>> >
>> >Easy to read, easy to use: +1 (I know Rect doesn't have a color
>> >but you get what I mean).
>> >But I haven't been entirely fair: what if I want a different background
>> >color scheme for the default states? I can't do:
>> >
>> >    <s:Rect id="background" color.upStates="..." color.downStates="..."
>> >color.overStates="..."
>> >                            color.upAndDefault="..."
>> >color.downAndDefault="..." color.overAndDefault="..."/>
>> >
>> >That will throw a compiler exception (because 'upAndDefault' is part of
>> >'upStates' group and thus I have a duplicate color declaration). I can
>> >this, but it would require even more stateGroups, e.g. normalUpStates,
>> >defaultUpstates, normalDownStates, etc.: -1
>> >Or I could declare a color for every single base state, but that would
>> >extremely verbose and have duplicate declarations of the same color.
>> >
>> >Conclusion: anything can be done, but it can become overly complex.
>> >
>> >
>> >Here's what the same Button's States would look like with
>> >'multidimensional
>> >states':
>> >
>> >    <s:states>
>> >        <s:State name="up"/>
>> >        <s:State name="down"/>
>> >        <s:State name="over"/>
>> >        <s:State name="focused"/>
>> >        <s:State name="default"/>
>> >    </s:states>
>> >
>> >Well that's extremely terse and clear: +2
>> >
>> >The actual component would look something like:
>> >
>> >    <s:Rect id="focusBorder" includeIn="focused"/>
>> >    <s:Rect id="background" color.up="..." color.down="..."
>> >color.over="..."/>
>> >
>> >I'm assuming a pressed default button that has focus would have its
>> >`currenState` set to ["default", "focused", "down"].
>> >That's still better than the 'stateGroups' way: +1
>> >
>> >But let's see what happens with the dual color scheme. Well it can't be
>> >done: -100
>> >Unless we come up with something like this:
>> >
>> >    <s:Rect id="background" color.up="..." color.down="..."
>> >color.over="..."
>> >                            color.up.default="..."
>> >color.down.default="..."
>> >color.over.default="..."/>
>> >
>> >The more precise the state selector, the more precedence it takes.
>> >look half bad. If it can be done technically, that is.
>> >A possible downside is that you can create situations where the
>> >doesn't provide a 'required' state. For instance with this Button
>> >if neither 'up', 'down' or 'over' are present in the 'currentState',
>> >'background' would have no color. This can be remedied, but takes
>> >coding.
>> >
>> >Conclusion: with a new syntax this approach sure looks cleaner.
>> >
>> >I've been writing this as I was thinking about the subject, so I hope
>> >can make heads and tails of it ;)
>> >
>> >Max
>> >
>> >
>> >On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 1:54 PM, Arnoud Bos
>> ><arn...@artim-interactive.nl>wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> I figure you can use some input from the community for this. I
>> >>personally
>> >> never use stategroups as i find them a bit confusing.
>> >> So I tend to structure my components the way that it's not needed and
>> >>use
>> >> the normal straightforward states.
>> >>
>> >> IMHO states are one of the key features of Flex, stateGroups we can
>> >> without.
>> >>
>> >> just my 2 cents,
>> >>
>> >> Arnoud
>> >>
>> >> On 02-06-2013, at 08:49, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >> I've been coming across more and more cases where it would be
>> >>to
>> >> >> have
>> >> >> support for multidimensional states. What this looks like and how
>> >>it's
>> >> >> used
>> >> >> I'm not sure. Maybe we can discuss ideas.
>> >> > Yes, let's discuss.  I'm actually finishing up getting simple
>> >>to
>> >> > work in FlexJS. I haven't started work on StateGroup because I
>> >> sure
>> >> > how often they are used and whether they are considered the "right"
>> >> > solution by folks.
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> Met vriendelijke groet,
>> >>
>> >> Arnoud Bos
>> >> Artim interactive
>> >>
>> >> E  arn...@artim-interactive.nl
>> >> W  www.artim-interactive.nl
>> >> T  +31 6 246 40 216
>> >> A  Elisabeth Wolffstraat 77-3
>> >>    1053TT Amsterdam
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>

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