
Replacing currentState:String with currentState:Dictionary would be nice,
but, what about downward-compatibilty?

Sebastian (PPMC)
Interaction Designer

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On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

> Good input.
> If I understand your scenario (and maybe you or someone can post a small
> but real-world scenario), it supports my thinking that, instead of more
> ways to use State, that the currentState property should just be thought
> of as another organizing property, and the conditional setting of values
> should be somehow determined by any property on a component, not just
> currentState.  Then if you had an orientation property or maybe
> "isLandscape" then you would create conditional expressions to determine
> what to do.
> -Alex
> On 6/3/13 8:22 AM, "Bill Turner" <bi...@firstpac.com> wrote:
> >State groups are pretty much the question in reverse - they allow you to
> >group related states together, but you still have to set the currentState
> >as the combination.
> >
> >I've seen this myself mostly when trying to deal with mobile apps and the
> >rotation capabilities of a view.  If you want to use the orientation and
> >another state set, it's not as easy as it could be.
> >
> >Ultimately, I ended up doing something like Jude mentions, setting the
> >current state to a combination of the "substates":
> >
> >        private var _orientation:String;        // landscape or portrait
> >        private var _displayAs:String:  // the "real" state
> >        public function set orientation(value:String):void {
> >                _orientation = value;
> >                super.setCurrentState(_orientation + '_' + _displayAs);
> >        }
> >
> >It would be nice if there was some way to combine the substates.  In
> >particular, in this case the built-in orientation management of the
> >mobile doesn't combine automatically, as it's checking if "landscape" and
> >"portrait" are states, so there's some workaround that's required
> >anyway...
> >
> >I had wondered about something like what Cosma suggested on the
> >declaration - but the setting of the combined states still is cumbersome
> >and requires the app to manage the sub-states itself rather than having
> >the framework help.
> >
> >Maybe something like:
> >
> >        <s:states>
> >          <s:ExclusiveStateGroup id="mouse">
> >              <s:State name="up"/>
> >              <s:State name="down"/>
> >              <s:State name="over"/>
> >          </s:ExclusiveStateGroup>
> >          <s:ExclusiveStateGroup id="focus">
> >              <s:State name="nonFocused"/>
> >              <s:State name="focused"/>
> >          </s:ExclusiveStateGroup>
> >          <s:ExclusiveStateGroup id="selection">
> >              <s:State name="nonDefault"/>
> >              <s:State name="default"/>
> >          </s:ExclusiveStateGroup>
> >        </s:states>
> >
> >        currentState.mouse = "up"       // Change just the mouse group
> >state
> >
> >I agree that having too many substates says there's something wrong, but
> >this could help with some meaningful state combinations like orientation
> >and an app-specific state.
> >
> >Bill Turner
> >Enterprise Software Engineer
> >First Pacific Corporation
> >(503) 588-1411 ext. 2303
> >bi...@firstpac.com
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: John Cunliffe [mailto:mahn...@gmail.com]
> >Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2013 4:41 AM
> >To: dev@flex.apache.org
> >Subject: Re: Multidimensional States
> >
> >How is that different from the already existing
> >stateGroups<
> http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flex/using/WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e
> >3d11c0bf63611-7ffa.html>property?
> >
> >
> >On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 12:28 PM, jude <flexcapaci...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> I've been coming across more and more cases where it would be great to
> >>have
> >> support for multidimensional states. What this looks like and how it's
> >>used
> >> I'm not sure. Maybe we can discuss ideas.
> >>
> ><<snip>>
> >
> >________________________________
> >
> >Confidentiality Notice: This page and any accompanying documents contain
> >information that is confidential, privileged, or exempt from disclosure
> >under applicable law and is intended for the exclusive use of the
> >addressee. This information is private and protected by law. If you are
> >not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure,
> >copying, distribution, or use of the contents of this information in any
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