
Was taking a look at:

Any chance the attachment(s) can be added?

While looking at this issue I've found several other bugs (they may be other 
JIRA issues not had a deep look yet).
1. An ADG with a array of strings as a dataprovider assumes "length" (the only 
property of the string class is the first column). This is easy to see, not a 
regression 94.6, 4.91 do the same) like so:
<mx:AdvancedDataGrid dataProvider="" />

2. You get RTEs if you make a ADG with an array of simple types (strings, 
numbers etc)  editable.
<mx:AdvancedDataGrid dataProvider="{['one','two','three']}" editable="true" />

Anyone seen these in JIRA/run into them?


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