Can you simply reference a class from rsl1 in application?  That should
cause the rsl to be loaded correctly by the main app?  Or is that not an
acceptable behavior (longer startup time).

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Jagan Langa Sami Durai <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> This is how I deployed my application.
> ROOT/application.swf
> ROOT/MODULES/module1.swf
> ROOT/RSLS/rsl1.swf
> ROOT/RSLS/rsl2.swf
> This is how I specified the rsl's path while compiling my application and
> modules( in ant script)
> <runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${RSL_DIR}/rsl1.swc">
> <url rsl-url="rsls/rsl1.swf" />
> </runtime-shared-library-path>
> <runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${RSL_DIR}/rsl2.swc">
> <url rsl-url="rsls/rsl2.swf" />
> </runtime-shared-library-path>
> Here is my problem,
> application.swf uses the rsl1.swf as rsl and
> module1.swf uses rsl1.swf and rsl2.swf as rsl
> when i try to load the module1.swf inside the application1.swf, module1.swf
> is looking for the 2 required rsl's (rsl1.swf and rsl2.swf). since rsl1.swf
> is already loaded by the application1.swf it is taking it and trying to
> load the rsl2.swf from the ROOT/*MODULES*/RSLS/ path. since all the rsl's
> in the ROOT/RSLS folder, it is getting the 404 error for rsl2.swf and
> module1.swf is not loading.
> so, I updated the ant script as follows for the rsl2.swf,
> <runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${RSL_DIR}/rsl2.swc">
> <url rsl-url="rsls/rsl2.swf" />
> <url rsl-url="../rsls/rsl2.swf" />
> </runtime-shared-library-path>
> now what happens is, since MODULES/RSLS/rsl2.swf receives 404; it tries to
> load the second fail-over one like this "http://../rsls/rsl2.swf"; which is
> also an invalid url.
> how can i specify more fail-over url's relatively. plz help me.
> *
> Regards,
> S. Jagan  Langa*

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