The root of the problem seems to be trying to load the same RSL URL with a
relative path from SWFs in different locations. Would either of these
solutions work for you?

1. Deploy modules1.swf to the ROOT directory instead of ROOT/MODULES.
2. If rsl2.swf is only used by module1 then move rsl2.swf to ROOT/MODULES
3. Specify the RSL URL with an absolute path name.

-Darrell Loverin

On 8/29/13 10:31 AM, "Jagan Langa Sami Durai" <> wrote:

>Hi All,
>This is how I deployed my application.
>This is how I specified the rsl's path while compiling my application and
>modules( in ant script)
><runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${RSL_DIR}/rsl1.swc">
><url rsl-url="rsls/rsl1.swf" />
><runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${RSL_DIR}/rsl2.swc">
><url rsl-url="rsls/rsl2.swf" />
>Here is my problem,
>application.swf uses the rsl1.swf as rsl and
>module1.swf uses rsl1.swf and rsl2.swf as rsl
>when i try to load the module1.swf inside the application1.swf,
>is looking for the 2 required rsl's (rsl1.swf and rsl2.swf). since
>is already loaded by the application1.swf it is taking it and trying to
>load the rsl2.swf from the ROOT/*MODULES*/RSLS/ path. since all the rsl's
>in the ROOT/RSLS folder, it is getting the 404 error for rsl2.swf and
>module1.swf is not loading.
>so, I updated the ant script as follows for the rsl2.swf,
><runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${RSL_DIR}/rsl2.swc">
><url rsl-url="rsls/rsl2.swf" />
><url rsl-url="../rsls/rsl2.swf" />
>now what happens is, since MODULES/RSLS/rsl2.swf receives 404; it tries to
>load the second fail-over one like this "http://../rsls/rsl2.swf"; which is
>also an invalid url.
>how can i specify more fail-over url's relatively. plz help me.
>S. Jagan  Langa*

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