That's a bit harsh.  I used design view all the time to do basic layout
before I did any coding.  You could quickly prototype your app and get
things laid out correctly before you hooked it up and "broke design view."
 Nothing frustrated me more than having to recompile my app every time I
have to make a pixel adjustment,,, Getting it right first was key.


On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 10:30 PM, Nick Collins <> wrote:

> I would respectfully disagree. Every Flex engineer worth their salt that I
> have ever worked with dumped the design view after about week 3 of learning
> Flex.
> Typically after that point when you start integrating your code with real
> live data sources that are driving your UI the design view rapidly becomes
> worthless. You start drawing your UI dynamically based on the data that is
> provided, learn that the demos they do with data binding will never be used
> in the real world because of the performance hits you get by just putting a
> [Bindable] on everything without custom events tied to them, etc. and the
> design view would just fall apart with those real world scenarios.
> On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 8:58 PM, Eric <> wrote:
> > I wasn't able to find anything recent about a UI design tool for Apache
> > Flex.  There seemed to be some discussion of this awhile back, but how
> far
> > did it get?  Are there any links to a project or source?  Sorry if this
> has
> > been brought up 100 times already.  I think a tool like this will be
> > crucial (in "the enterprise space") to help power the widespread adoption
> > that Falcon will hopefully bring.
> >

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