

That’s several time I try to run the Mustella tests “ ./mini_run.sh –all “,
in more than 3 failed tests, it gives me a bunch of failures regarding the
Marshall plan, though I run my web server on the port 80 to serving


So, my first question is, what could be wrong ?


When I then run “./mini_run.sh -rerun –failures”, it gives me:


     [java] =====================================================

     [java]     Passes: 0

     [java]     Fails: 3

     [java] =====================================================


If I rerun the same command:

     [java] =====================================================

     [java]     Passes: 0

     [java]     Fails: 506

     [java] =====================================================


Once again, that’s a long time I didn’t do that, have you got an idea of
where I’m wrong ?



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