Hi All - I'm hoping I'm posting this in the correct space.  I've seen Chris
Dutz around here and since Marvin shut down the old FM group, this looks
like the best place for my questions.

Anyway - I'm currently working on updating our large flex project(s) from FM
4.2-beta to FM 6.1.0.  I've pulled down the FM6 code from Chris' git repo,
mavenized the 4.10.0 FDK, built FM6, and I'm now using it to build our
project.  Everything seems to work.  However, I've got a few questions
regarding the impact of some changes I made to FM code and questions about

In order to get FM6 to build, I had to make some changes.  Most of them seem
straight forward enough (no real questions) but I'll list them all for
completeness sake.  The ones I believe most important are bolded.

- in parent pom
        - update flex version to 4.10.20130801
        - update air version to 3.8
        - update player version to 11.8
        - update org.apache.velocity version to 1.7 (this is the version we 
have in
our repo)
- *comment out all sdk versions in flexmojos-test-harness pom*
- *add 4.10.20130801 sdk to flexmojos-test-harness pom*
- *comment out old player global versions from flexmojos-test-harness pom*
- *add 11.8 playerglobal to flexmojos-test-harness pom*
- add org.apache.velocity 1.7 dependency to flexmojos-maven-plugin pom
(couldn't build without this)
- *AsdocMojo.java, CompcMojo.java, and MxmlcMojo.java override

It is also important to note that I was able to build everything with tests
up till the "test-harness".  For now, my build of FM6 is running with
maven.test.skip=true.  In order for the integration tests to pass, I need a
lot of mavenized sdks that I currently don't have  I looked for the 2x and
3x sdks online so I could mavenize them, but didn't find them.  To be honest
however, I don't really care at all about anything below sdk 4.5 so I'm not
thinking that is a huge issue.  However, if that is wrong, please let me

In order to build with the 4.10.0 SDK, I added the advanced telemetry
function to the different mojos:

        public Boolean getAdvancedTelemetry()
                return true;

I'm not entirely sure what this will do.  With this function as it is, am I
just enabling my swfs to "output" advanced telemetry, or is there something
more going on?  Should I return false instead of true?  What are the
implications of this?

Anyway, hope all this makes sense.  Thanks for the help


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