Another nice to have is BlazeDS from Apache instead of Adobe.  I'm still
waiting on resolution of some IP issues before I commit the code.


On 9/22/13 9:32 PM, "Alex Harui" <> wrote:

>On 9/22/13 6:05 PM, "Justin Mclean" <> wrote:
>>We're at about 40 bug fixes, some new mobile skins, ADG/DG speed
>>improvements and about 100 issues have been resolved since the last
>>release, probably time again to start thinking about making a new
>>I made a JIRA here:
>>1. Are there any issues anyone sees as must be fixed for the next
>I don't know about "must", but I'm still concerned about the fix for the
>NumericStepper decimal places on Windows.  It feels like one of those
>things where we'll put out an RC and then someone will trip over it.
>Also, I was hoping to find time to fix that Comparator/Java7 thing but I'm
>buried with Falcon stuff right now.
>I haven't looked to see if there's anything else folks have opened
>recently that need addressing.
>>2. Are there any changes we want to make to the installer and release at
>>the same time?
>>3. Anything else?
>Would be nice to see if we can get the framework to compile with Falcon
>before we go out. 
>>IMO if we could time it with the AIR 3.9/FP 11.9 release that would be
>>good (probably not possible however).

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