I don't mean to throw a wrench in the process, but don't we need to have a
vote somewhere in the list of steps mentioned?

Maurice, thanks for the generous offer.  This is awesome!

On Sep 24, 2013 8:49 AM, "Frédéric THOMAS" <webdoubl...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> The first thing to do IMO, is to open a JIRA ticket for your donation, link
> a zip with or a github link to the lib and the sample project, like that
> everyone can test it and browse the code.
> -Fred
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Frédéric THOMAS [mailto:webdoubl...@hotmail.com]
> Envoyé : mardi 24 septembre 2013 17:40
> À : dev@flex.apache.org
> Objet : RE: Flex Mobile DataGrid donation submission
> > should I send the source project and sample apps in Flash Builder
> > format,
> or IntelliJ will be ok ?
> Give what you have, indeed, if you can make it FB compatible, it can make
> life easier to those who will try it.
> > should I put a "copyright" header on each file ?
> It can be done later but if you do it now, a bit like the first answer, it
> will be easier to integrate.
> -Fred
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Maurice Amsellem [mailto:maurice.amsel...@systar.com]
> Envoyé : mardi 24 septembre 2013 17:35
> À : dev@flex.apache.org
> Objet : RE: Flex Mobile DataGrid donation submission
> Hi Fred,
> Yes, it's probably your internet connection, as the video has been watched
> a
> few times already. Maybe you can try later.
> Thank you for the guidance, I will follow the steps described below.
> I have a few questions:
> - should I send the source project and sample apps in Flash Builder format,
> or IntelliJ will be ok ?
> - should I put a "copyright" header on each file ?
> Regards,
> Maurice
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Frédéric THOMAS [mailto:webdoubl...@hotmail.com] Envoyé : mardi 24
> septembre 2013 17:18 À : dev@flex.apache.org Objet : RE: Flex Mobile
> DataGrid donation submission
> Yes, I well remember the demo you did, very good fluidity, unfortunately I
> haven't been able to watch it thru the youtube link, probably my bad
> internet connection, I hope the others will have more luck.
> For the license, it depends:
> The ASF has a policy to not take software regardless of the license unless
> the copyright holder grants it.
> By signing the ICLA you have indicated that you have permission from the
> copyright holder to make any contributions that you make.
> I think steps are to file ICLAs [1], and a CCLA [2] if there is a corporate
> entity (SYStar) involved.  Then fill out the software grant [3].
> 3- The donation process:
> 1. You fill out and sign all legal documents 2. Some of us will review the
> code (it can be given via a zip associated to a JIRA ticket or on github).
> 3. We discuss where this code should land, the package names.
> 4. Once the software grant is recorded, someone can check the code into
> GIT.
> 5. Once it is in, it gets another review.  This means making sure there are
> no binaries, that the headers are correct, that your copyrights (but not
> any
> third-party copyrights) are moved to the NOTICES file (which must be done
> by
> you or with your explicit permission).
> -Fred
> [1] http://www.apache.org/licenses/icla.txt
> [2] http://www.apache.org/licenses/cla-corporate.txt
> [3] http://www.apache.org/licenses/software-grant.txt
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Maurice Amsellem [mailto:maurice.amsel...@systar.com]
> Envoyé : mardi 24 septembre 2013 16:04
> À : dev@flex.apache.org
> Objet : Flex Mobile DataGrid donation submission
> Hi Community,
> I have developed for my company (SYSTAR) a custom Flex Mobile DataGrid
> component (MDG for short) , for one of our projects (Business Activity
> Monitoring framework, running on mobile devices ).
> You can see a quick video of the MDG in action here:
>  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm9yGfcwwBo
> (make sure to select 720p, for best viewing quality).
> More details on the component at end of this email.
> I would like, on behalf and with  the formal agreement of my company, to
> donate this component's source code to Apache Flex.
> We would be honored if the donation is accepted.
> I will be happy to make *reasonable* changes to this component to meet
> Apache Flex requirements and add missing features.
> What is the "procedure" to submit a donation to Apache Flex ?
> ------------------------------------------------
> Mobile DataGrid component details:
> The goal was to provide essential datagrid functions adapted to mobile
> devices, with good performance on mobile.
> Features:
> -          Displays information in tabbed columns (like any datagrid)
> -          Sorting columns by clicking on the header
> -          Touch enabled scrolling.
> -          Selection
> -          Default renderers for stylable text and embedded bitmaps.
> -          Custom renderers (preferably in AS) are possible.
> -          Multi DPI aware ( both scaling and no scaling, media css,
> multi-DPI artwork).
> *Note on performance*
> Good performance was key for this component, so it derives from List, and
> not from DataGrid.
> To ensure good performance, all the columns for each row are rendered using
> one single "TabbedRowItemRenderer" which inherits from the base mobile list
> renderer.
> This renderer will delegate the rendering of each column in the row to
>  lightweight sub-renderers, and will manage the tabbed layout of
> sub-renderers.
> There are two predefined sub-renderers:
> - The sub-renderer for Text inherits from StylableTextField
> - The sub-renderer for bitmaps inherits from BitmapAsset.
> Custom sub-renderers must implement a given interface and be written in
> AS3.
> Performance tests:
> Sample Mobile dataGrid displaying: 300 lines by 6 columns:
> . 4 of small text,
> . 1 with icon
> . 1 with  multiline very long text in small font.
>                              iPad 2    ipad 3 retina (gpu)  iPhone4s
> scrolling (fps)       24            24                            18-24
> sort on short col   instant   instant                       0.3s
> sort on long text   <2s          < 2s                          < 2s
> Regards,
> Maurice Amsellem
> SYSTAR R&D - BusinessBridgeFX
> PS: I have demoed the MDG to Frederic Thomas some time ago, while he was
> sub-contracting for Systar, so maybe he remembers of that.

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