I guess we're misspelling asdocs with a hub for samples or tutorials.

IMHO We have to keep ASDOCS simple as possible with the aggregation only
for a comment system already available on market for free like Adobe does
on help.adobe.com which community can increase comments with links for
samples or sort of it.

In the other hand, more detailed explanation on topics that takes a little
bit more time to understand like skins, component life cycle and bytearray
manipulation theses are more relevant topic on google search that we could
enhance the current version.

There's something inspiration outthere like
http://devdocs.io<http://devdocs.io/html/data> which
translate that simplicity and act on the focus point of problem, the
understand of behavior os specific topic.

Those are good suggestions and I personally appreciate all, but I see more
as a dev hub rather than asdocs.

Best Regards

Igor Costa

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Kessler CTR Mark J <
mark.kessler....@usmc.mil> wrote:

> I've thumbed through it... /shudder
> It felt like there should be some other way to create the ASDOCs.
> Random thoughts from ASDOCs as a whole.
> *  Doesn't contain properties/methods/events inherited from Adobe AS
> (DisplayObject, EventDispatcher, InteractiveObject) that are not part of
> the Apache Flex SDK .  This makes you reference both our ASDOCs and Adobe's.
> *  Would be nice to include lists of enumerated values without having to
> directly add static comments.  E.g. VGroup.verticalAlign can use "bottom",
> "middle", or "top" as it's values listed.  There is an inspectable tag, but
> it doesn't show up in the ASDOCs, just the comments.
> *  Easier to implement examples.
> I'm sure I had more at some point but those were on the top of my head.
> -Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Justin Mclean [mailto:jus...@classsoftware.com]
> IMO there would only be a few people who looked at the ASDocs code and
> even fewer who have modified it.

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