On 10/10/13 8:21 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>Fixed that issue (and a few more) but now have this one:
>    [asdoc] Loading configuration file
>    [asdoc] 
>heme/src/spark/skins/mobile/ViewMenuSkin.mxml(187): Error: Could not
>resolve <s:ViewMenuLayout> to a component implementation.
>    [asdoc] 
>    [asdoc]                 <s:ViewMenuLayout horizontalGap="2"
>verticalGap="2" id="contentGroupLayout"
>    [asdoc] 
>ViewMenuSkin is in the mobile manifest file and that is being included in
>the asdoc ant file.
I assume you meant ViewMenuLayout?  The manifests, etc look ok.  I guess
you could dump the mobilecomponents.swc and see if that class is actually
in there, but the main build should have failed in the same way.

>I'd appreciate if someone could take a look at this and I'm out of ideas
>and it's stopping me from making a release candidate.
I have a fix for that FTETextField bug.  The revert you did to fix the
mustella tests effectively re-opens FLEX-33428.
Unfortunately, I also discovered that I have a bunch of other commits that
never got pushed.  I think I held off last time mustella was broken and
forgot to go back and push them afterwards.  I also have one commit
pending for tlf.

I'm thinking of pushing them all to the develop branch and see if the full
mustella run passes, and then we can move them to the release branch if
nothing breaks.


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