I'm not sure the rules are truly in the way.  I think it is up to the
Apache Flex PMC to decide whether we want to allow Joe to use this domain
or not.  I've asked trademarks@ to see if we get to make the call or not
and for guidance on what issues we should consider when making such a

To me, my own personal considerations would be (based on my interpretation
of domain.html):
1) If it has "apache" in the domain name, then the code on the site must
be governed via the "Apache Way" and should probably live in one of our
2) Will Apache Flex have similar content on its own web-site and would
this domain name cause confusion?  Would we be constantly asking in emails
"did you mean the examples on flex.a.o or on apacheflexexamples.c?"
3) Does our approval imply favoritism to this third-party vs another?  For
this case, what if Peter Dehaan re-appears and wants to add new content to
his site?  Or someone else decides to start their own site of examples?
Would we approve apacheflexexamples.o or some other eligible suffix for
that other person?
4) What if Joe just plain runs out of time and energy and only gets a few
dozen examples out?  How would we feel then about this site showing up in
search results forever?

When we joined the PMC we promised to protect the Flex and Apache brands,
so these are my concerns.  Trademarks@ may have more.  But unless they say
otherwise, I would personally think that we could allow
apacheflexexamples.joeflash.ca and maybe even joeflex.ca or
joeapacheflex.ca since they more clearly imply that it is not an official
Apache site.


On 1/2/14 4:06 AM, "Erik de Bruin" <e...@ixsoftware.nl> wrote:

>Just for the record: I hate it when the rules get in the way of good
>intentions. That's not what the rules are intended for, IMHO. The
>rules should be there to avoid abuse, not to discourage use...
>On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 5:23 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
>> On 12/31/13 8:07 PM, "Joseph Balderson" <n...@joeflash.ca> wrote:
>>>I understand the concern about the domain name. However, in the spirit
>>>continuing the work of Peter De Haan, since he still is in control of
>>>flexexamples.com, I think apacheflexexamples.com is perfectly
>> It is logical, but I don't know if I can agree that it is appropriate.
>> The use of "apache" in the domain name would imply to me that all code
>> developed under the "Apache Way".
>>>To alleviate any confusion of direct relationship with the Apache
>>>foundation, I
>>>would be perfectly willing to put a attribution, top and centre of each
>>>similar to what is to be found in books using the "Apache Foo" format,
>>>the required "Apache, Apache Flex, and Flex are trademarks of The Apache
>>>Software Foundation. Used with permission. No endorsement by The Apache
>>>Foundation is implied by the use of these marks."
>> I would imagine that in the end you will want to use "Flex" somewhere in
>> the domain name and this disclaimer will be required.  However, I'm not
>> sure it will be sufficient to allow you to use "apache" in the domain
>> name.  Another issue is, if someone else wants to start their own site
>> examples, they don't have a level playing field as the
>> domain name just sounds more "official" and will look more official in
>> search results.  And again, we will probably host some minimal set of
>> examples on the flex.apache.org site and we don't want confusion between
>> those an other third party examples.  Finally, Peter Dehaan was at least
>> an employee of Adobe when he produced most of that content.
>>>Of course, that's assuming I have permission from Apache. Lemme get a
>>>beta out
>>>the door, then I'll pass it by apache at that time, and if they still
>>>issues with the domain name, given the spirit of intent, and the
>>>then we can look at other options. If it's a problem I might even be
>>>willing to
>>>donate the domain name to the Apache Flex group provided I could still
>>>administrate it. I'm sure there is something we can work out.
>> I will seek advice from our VP of Branding on this matter.
>> Again, I'm totally in support of you building out a site full of
>> examples/tutorials, but I'm not sure Apache Flex can support your choice
>> of domain name.
>> Thanks,
>> -Alex
>Ix Multimedia Software
>Jan Luykenstraat 27
>3521 VB Utrecht
>T. 06-51952295
>I. www.ixsoftware.nl

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