Yes, something like fdb -escaped-var-values.
If enabled then there's no need in start/end markers (like "IDEA-ESCAPE-START"/"IDEA-ESCAPE-END"), as var values are always escaped. Implementation of escape() method is there in my StringUtil class.

On 17.01.2014 14:33, Frédéric THOMAS wrote:
hum, what do you mean, something like "fdb -ide" ?

Frédéric THOMAS

Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 14:29:32 +0400
Subject: Re: FDB vs FB debugging ?

Ok, I got your point, the only thing I'm thinking about could be to introduce a 
new first level helper command which would set a boolean value to apply this 
escapes, does it make sense ?
Or may be just add undocumented command line option.

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