seems to be down or slow to respond.

On 1/23/14 9:20 AM, "Jun Heider" <> wrote:

>On Jan 22, 2014, at 2:05 PM, Peter Ent <> wrote:
>> I was able to run the installer without any problems except I forgot to
>> un-install the previous version. This gave me the generic, "Sorry, an
>> error has occurred" dialog.
>I'm testing on Mac OS X 10.8.5
>I ran into the same issue as Peter due to having the old Installer app
>installed. The exact error was:
>"Sorry, an error has occurred.
>This application cannot be installed because this installer has been
>mis-configured. Please contact the application author for assistance."
>Once I uninstalled the old version and re-ran the installer it was fine.
>The first test I ran was to install Flex SDK 4.11, AIR 4, FP 12. That
>worked well.
>Then I closed the installer and launched it to try FlexJS Nightly. I
>tried it three times, first with AIR 4, FP 12 selected then with the
>defaults of AIR 3.9 and FP 11.9 and then again with AIR 4, FP 12. In all
>cases I had issues with the next button. To me it appears as though
>there's a UI hang between clicking Next and the Select Install Directory.
>In the last round of test I ran, I made my selections and clicked next.
>Then I waited for 45 seconds or so and nothing happened. Then I went back
>and clicked on the next button 5-6 times in quick succession and it
>finally transitioned to the Select Install Directory screen.
>Here's what the install log says up to that point:
>Version 3.0.0 (mac)
>Version 3.0.0 (mac)
>Fetched the SDK download mirror URL from the CGI.
>Fetched the SDK download mirror URL from the CGI.
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>Then I selected my install directory and received an "install aborted" in
>the second step of the progress indicator.
>Here's the install log at that point:
>Version 3.0.0 (mac)
>Version 3.0.0 (mac)
>Fetched the SDK download mirror URL from the CGI.
>Fetched the SDK download mirror URL from the CGI.
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>AIR version 4.0
>Flash Player version 12.0
>Creating Apache Flex home
>Creating temporary directory
>Downloading Apache Flex SDK from:
>Unable to download Apache Flex SDK
>Installation aborted

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