> Unless it's a drop in 1 for 1 replacement I don't think the take up is going 
> to be huge. People with existing Flex >browser apps who were considering 
> converting to JS have already done that by now and have selected a different 
> >framework/technology stack, and those who haven't converted aren't going to 
> want to spend the time/money on >learning a new frameworks and rewriting all 
> of their UI code.

>While the appeal of still using AS and being able to reuse say 80% of your 
>code the down side is that the UI stuff is >hard and tricky to get right and 
>takes the most time.

I'm aligned more with Justin on this part.  It is fantastic to continue to grow 
and mature new things aligned to the needs of the Flex community. But just a 
view point from our perspective here.

We have 15 applications in total.  These are all web based flex/flash based 
medium business level applications that are data driven.  It is unrealistic for 
us to do a large conversion to JS of any type at this point.  However it will 
always be good to have the option to maybe make new applications in the new 
FlexJS framework when it's matured enough.


-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Mclean [mailto:jus...@classsoftware.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 6:14 PM
To: dev@flex.apache.org
Subject: Re: ApacheCon Slides


> Maybe I am too idealistic, but I think if FlexJS does become the most
> efficient way to make money selling RIAs and mobile apps, some of those
> folks will come back.

My option on this is this:

Unless it's a drop in 1 for 1 replacement I don't think the take up is going to 
be huge. People with existing Flex browser apps who were considering converting 
to JS have already done that by now and have selected a different 
framework/technology stack, and those who haven't converted aren't going to 
want to spend the time/money on learning a new frameworks and rewriting all of 
their UI code.

While the appeal of still using AS and being able to reuse say 80% of your code 
the down side is that the UI stuff is hard and tricky to get right and takes 
the most time.

They may also see (correctly or not) a 1.0 release of a framework a bit risky 
compared to more mature frameworks out there.

Then there's the often narrow minded hiring practices around frameworks in 
which they ask for 5+ year experiences with framework x rather than ability to 
learn and solid experience with other frameworks/AS/JS.

All of the above matches with my recent experience with existing/past/new 
clients - but as they say your milage may vary.

> We should certainly make our current customers happy.

The number one responsibility of any Apache project is to it's users. Just 
about every project guidelines (including ours) has words to the effect of "The 
most important participants in the project are people who use our software."


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