
> For me, I don't have to do anything special on Windows to run the
> installer, probably because I have admin rights.
I assume we can read the permissions on the directory chosen and warn the user 
if it's not writable and ask them to select another?

> I wonder if the total time to
> get the file off the mirror would be better than getting it from flex.a.o for 
> folks far away from the US. 
There would be an improvement - eg Australia -> USA incurs a 500ms odd delay  
before it starts to transfer anything. And > 50% of the installs are non USA.

> At minimum, I think we want to try to add a param to the tracking URL
> about what stage the installer was at when it failed?
would tell us if there one major issue or several at least.

> Anything else we should add to the installer?
I raised a few minor issues in JIRA the other week.

I think a nice addition would be something that encourages people to contact us 
when there is an error  so we can help.


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