On 6/24/14 11:17 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>> It would help me, and maybe others, if you would propose fixes, instead
>> just pointing out problems and making the RM guess as to what will
>> you.
>It about satisfying the requirements as mandated by Apache not me.
>The issue looks obvious to me - ie our NOTICE is missing information from
>both batic and velocity NOTICE files.
>I would expect:
>- Our NOTICE to contain reference to both batic (which it does) and
>velocity (which it doesn't)
The Velocity NOTICE appears to just contain the standard ASF notice, so I
don't believe we have to mention it?  I say this based on (from [1]):
"Bundling Other ASF ProductsIt is not necessary to duplicate the line
"This product includes software developed at the Apache Software
Foundation...", though the ASF copyright line and any other portions of
NOTICE must be considered for propagation."
I'm not seeing how the "deps of deps" section would change that.

>- Our NOTICE to contain the same items as in the batic NOTICE (of which
>it currently only has 2 of the 5 items)
Also from [1]: "As far as LICENSE and NOTICE are concerned, only bundled
bits matter."
I am going to assume the mentors got this right.  The source package
doesn't contain all of batik, only some files we use to overlay a batik
download to create a custom jar.  There are some gif and png files, in our
repo, but I did not find any associated copyright or license in the few of
them I looked at.  If you want to dig harder and double check their work,
feel free.  

>1. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#deps-of-deps

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