On 7/2/14 10:05 AM, "Erik de Bruin" <e...@ixsoftware.nl> wrote:

>> I'm still trying to figure out why your Vanilla implementation, given it
>> is going to have custom swcs, isn't just another FlexJS library.  I
>> the main difference is in the reporting of missing mx/spark APIs.  Is
>> there more?
>No, there is less. No special namespaces or MVC for the Flex side, just
>SDK as we know and love it, unchanged as far as the user is concerned -
>project that uses MX and/or Spark will cross compile to JS.
The namespace and MVC in in the new AS/JS framework but I don't think
there is anything in the current FlexJS setup what would block you from
swapping in a set of SWCs that use the mx and/or spark NS.

>On the JS side,
>no MXML as data, just objects/components and much more integration with
>GC Library (createDom, enterDocument and Dispose for life cycle of any
>component; event handling through current API instead of deprecated stuff;
>ES5 and 6 etc.).
Other than MXML as data, I don't think there is anything about current
FlexJS that would prevent you from building out a JS library that uses
more of GC as you want.  I hope there will be libraries that live on top
of Jquery, Angular, etc.

I'm just looking for ways to avoid us doing some things twice.


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