
> I updated the structure to be more intuitive. Updated to Flexmojos 
> 7.1.0-SNAPSHOT, Apache Flex 4.13.0, Apache FlexUnit 4.2, ...
Thanks - hopefully we can get it working.

> It was quite a lot of work and a big number of Tests will definitely fail,
I've fixed a few of those and will check in once I can get teh new structure 

> You need a few jars manually deployed as well as Flex 4.13.0 created by the 
> Mavenizer (mavenizer-refactoring branch).
Are the step by step instructions on how to do this?

I would of guessed  that this:
 java -cp ./target/flex-sdk-converter-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar SDKGenerator 
$FLEX_HOME ~/.m2 true

Would mavinise a SDK and place in to my local repo but (obviously) I don't 
really know what I'm doing. 

Currently when trying to build FlexPMD I get:
[ERROR]     Unresolveable build extension: Plugin 
net.flexmojos.oss:flexmojos-maven-plugin:7.1.0-SNAPSHOT or one of its 
dependencies could not be resolved: The following artifacts could not be 
resolved: net.flexmojos.oss:flexmojos-maven-plugin:jar:7.1.0-SNAPSHOT, 
org.apache.flex:compiler:pom: Could not find artifact 
net.flexmojos.oss:flexmojos-maven-plugin:jar:7.1.0-SNAPSHOT -> [Help 2]
[ERROR]     Unknown packaging: swc @ line 29, column 13

> We have so much stuff in a pending state ... finally starting to release our 
> stuff would make things so much easier.
For that we need people willing to fix this stuff up and someone to be a 
release manager.


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